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Spring Member Event: Curiosity: Igniting innovation + shaping the future (April 8-9)Curiosity is the spark that drives discovery, fuels inn…
We are pleased to invite our members to an exclusive event showcasing the work of three talented students from the MIT Media Lab.
Professor Paul Liang will speak, and External Relations Director Mirei Rioux will host a Media Lab booth at this conference in Bangkok.
Join us as we provide learning opportunities on how emerging technologies, particularly AI, can impact business and emphasize the importan…
The Fall Meeting will be held on-site at the MIT Media Lab with sessions livestreamed on Tuesday, October 24 - Thursday, October 26, 2023.
Horizons 2024 is set to be a testament to the power of interdisciplinary cross-industry collaboration in driving meaningful change.
Agenda for Monday, February 26, 2024 (Agendas are subject to change)This event is by invitation only, and a referral by Media Lab member co…
The Spring Meeting will be held on-site at the MIT Media Lab, with a number of sessions livestreamed.
This interactive event will highlight insights and recent research from the MIT Media Lab over the course of three days in Bangkok, Thailand
The Fall Meeting will be held on-site at the MIT Media Lab, with a number of sessions livestreamed.
This hackathon aims to explore how projection can tap into our personal life to allow us to be healthier, better versions of ourselves.
Hosted by the MIT Media Lab with NTT DATA. Captioned video available now!
We’re looking forward to welcoming our members and special visitors back to the Lab in person April 12–13 for a variety of research updates!
This is a page to share the contents under review with the people concerned, in preparation for publication to introduce examples of collab…
Session 1 (6/18): Kioxia, NHK, SynthNeuro
Event Platform - Pathable: Instructionこの度は、Media Lab Summer Camp 2021 にご登録を下さり、誠にありがとうございます。Event Platform (Pathable: パサブル)からの招待メールを受領いただ…
6月19日(土)9:00-10:00pm(日本)// 8:00-9:00am (ボストン)MIT特別セッション II 「 (都市に) 最終的なゴールはありません」発表者:酒井康史(MIT Media Lab 博士後期課程) キーワード: 集団的合意形成、リミックス、デザインセッ…
6月19日(土)3:00-4:00pm (日本)日本電気株式会社 + Affective Computing (MIT)「ウェルビーイングの向上〜明日のストレス、健康度、幸福度の予想〜」発表者:梅松旭美 (NEC)、ロザリンド・ピカード教授(MIT)、サイモン・フェダー博士 (…
6月19日(土)5:00-6:00pm (日本)MIT特別セッション I:「海外雄飛・他流試合・異文化協創」発表者:石井裕 (MIT Media Lab 副所長)キーワード: 異文化体験、国際化、自己実現、研究者セッション:聴講型(講演30分+Q&A 20分)言語:日本…
6月18日(金)9:00-10:00pm (日本)// 8:00-9:00am (ボストン)キオクシア株式会社 + NHK + Synthetic Neurobiology (MIT) 「データストレージで脳に挑む」発表者:坂東洋介博士 (Kioxia)、金谷美加(NHK)、エ…
Showcase21 video for sample - InterpretationBianca Datta
【合計で4つの物理的セッションの開催をいたします】Saturday, June 26 at 10:00am-12:30pm (JST) and 2:00-5:00pm (JST)Sunday, June 27 at 10:00am-12:30pm (JST) and 2:00-…
Media Lab Summer Camp in Japan「将来、MITで学びたい・教えたい? 世界を舞台にコラボしたい?」メディアラボでは、この夏、業界を超えたコラボレーションを通して社会課題に取り組んだ活動や経験を中高生達に共有するセッションを開催します。セッションは、…
6月26日(土)4:00-5:00pm(日本)NTTデータ + Personal Robots + Signal Kinetics「JiboとRFID技術で実現する“親しみのある”IT服薬サポート」発表者:吉田 英嗣 (NTT DATA) 、大杉 直樹博士 (NTT DATA)…
6月26日(土)9:00-10:00pm(日本)// 8:00-9:00am (ボストン)MIT特別セッション III「Mens et Manus -心と手-:好奇心駆動で自らの手で未来を創り続けること」発表者:中垣 拳(MIT Media Lab 博士後期課程) キーワード:…
6月25日(金)4:00-5:00pm (日本)凸版印刷株式会社 + Figur8 (MIT スピンアウト)「身体動作評価に基くエビデンス・ベースのパーソナル・ケア・サービスの開発」発表者:鈴木剛史(Toppan) 、田邉 集 (Toppan)キーワード: ウェルビーイング、ヘ…
6月26日(土)7:30-9:00pm(日本)// 6:30-8:00am (ボストン)都市未来デザイン〜データと審議を通したまちづくり〜 パナソニック株式会社 + City Science発表者:山崎菜々子(パナソニック株式会社)、酒井康史(City Science) キーワ…
Friday, June 25 at 20:00-21:00 (JST) / 7:00-8:00 (EDT)Shima Seiki Mfg, Ltd. 「ゼロ・ロス・ファッション〜未来のためのものづくり」6月25日(金)8:00-9:00pm (日本)// 7:00-8:00a…
Reviewing video - 1) ACG Roz Picard
Disclaimer for playback viewers As part of the MIT Media Lab’s ongoing research on distance learning (MOOC, e-learning) and remote collabor…
The E14 Fund Zoom Seminar Join us for an online seminar about the E14 Fund hosted by Calvin Chin and Habib Haddad. The seminar i…
Last updated: November 18, 2020 at 23:00 ESTFall 2020 Out of Lab ExperienceBelow are the Agendas for the Out of Lab Experience Internationa…
Wednesday, November 25 at 0:00-1:00 (EST)Tuesday, November 24 at 21:00-22:00 (PST)= Wednesday, November 25 at 14:00-15:00 (KST/JST)= Wednes…
Tech for Aging and Dementia Session for International Members on Nov 23Welcome & Introduction Presenters: Pattie Maes, Prof, Fluid Inte…
Main Presenter:Fadel Adib, PhDAssociate Professor, MIT Doherty Chair in Ocean Utilization Media Lab & Electrical Engineering & …
Main Presenter:Canan Dagdeviren, PhDAssistant Professor of Media Arts and SciencesLG Career Development Professor of Media Arts and Science…
Wednesday, November 18 at 20:00-21:00 (EST)= Wednesday, November 18 at 17:00-18:00 (PST)= Thursday, November 19 at 10:00-11:00 (KST/JST)= T…
Tuesday, November 17 at 20:00-21:00 (EST) = Tuesday, November 17 at 17:00-18:00 (PST)= Wednesday, November 18 at 10:00-11:00 (KST/JST)= Wed…
November 3 at 20:00-21:00 (EST)= November 3 at 17:00-18:00 (PST)= November 4 at 10:00-11:00 (KST/JST)= November 4 at 9:00-10:00 (SST)= Nove…
This four-day virtual program provided member companies with an insider’s look at new research and opportunities to network.
Thursday, October 29 at 8:00-9:00 (EDT)= Thursday, October 29 at 5:00-6:00 (PDT)= Thursday, October 29 at 21:00-22:00 (KST/JST)= Thursday, …
Disclaimer for playback viewers As part of the MIT Media Lab’s ongoing research on remote collaboration, we will extract the attendance log…
Session on October 28 at 20:00-21:00 (EDT)= October 28 at 17:00-18:00 (PDT)= October 29 at 9:00-10:00 (KST/JST)= October 29 at 8:00-9:00 (S…