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The MindCube is an interactive device designed for studying emotions. Resembling a fidget cube toy commonly used for stress and anxiety rel…
This project seeks to explore and further develop the concept of "Symbiotic Virtuosity," where artificial intelligence (AI) and human music…
Three-dimensional Digital Knitting of Intelligent Textile Sensor for Activity Recognition and Biomechanical MonitoringWe present an ap…
Prolonged exposure to microgravity is known to cause various acute health risks, including muscle atrophy, bone loss, cardiovascular decon…
Spanning from the early Musical Telegraph and Electronic Sackbut, to the late EMS Synthi AKS and Moog Synthesizers, electronic music and mu…
This video interview is a part of Media Lab X.0: Anthology of Tomorrows.In 2020, first-year PhD students at the MIT Media Lab were tas…
We are leveraging current Wireless Sensor Network technology to develop an easily deployable, and inexpensive wireless sensor (LunarWSN) ne…
This project takes the idea of the unity between heaven and man of the ancient Chinese philosophy I ching (Book of Changes), combines …
Moments is a prototype designed for users to save special moments and to experience those moments in the future. Firstly, a multi-sens…
Integrating sensors and actuators using flexible electronicsCurrently, the manufacturing of self-actuating and self-sensing robots requires…
We present VisualSoundtrack, a system designed as a tool for soundtrack composers to experiment with original musical content in differin…
We introduce Rovables, a miniature robot that can move freely on unmodified clothing. The robots are held in place by magnetic wheels, and …
The Mediated Atmosphere project envisions a smart office that is capable of dynamically transforming itself to enhance occupants' work expe…
Tidmarsh is a 600-acre former cranberry farm near Plymouth, MA that has undergone a restoration to wetland. We have instrumented the site w…
Tid'Zam is an ambient sound analysis system for outdoor environments. It is a component of the Tidmarsh Farms project which monitors the en…
SensorTape is a modular and dense sensor network in a form factor of a tape. SensorTape is composed of interconnected and programmable sens…
Makeup has long been used as a body decoration process for self-expression and for the transformation of one's appearance. While the materi…
SensorChimes aims to create a new canvas for artists leveraging ubiquitous sensing and data collection. Real-time data from environmental s…
Inspired by previous work in the field of data sonification, we built a data-driven composition platform that enables users to map collisio…
An interactive picture book that explores storytelling techniques through paper-based circuitry. Sensors, lights, and microcontrollers embe…
With our Ubiquitous Sonic Overlay, we are working to place virtual sounds in the user's environment, fixing them in space even as the user …
Doppelmarsh is a cross-reality sensor data browser built for experimenting with presence and multimodal sensory experiences. Built on evolv…
We present an augmented handheld airbrush that allows unskilled painters to experience the art of spray painting. Inspired by similar smart…
NailO is a wearable input device in the form of a commercialized nail art sticker. It works as a miniaturized trackpad the size and thickne…
The FingerSynth is a wearable musical instrument made up of a bracelet and set of rings that enables its players to produce sound by touchi…
The vision of pervasive computing is now mainstream. These connected devices permeate every aspect of our lives. Yet, we remain tethered to…
Imagine a future where lights are not fixed to the ceiling, but follow us wherever we are. In this colorful world we enjoy lighting that is…
We demonstrate an always-available, on-body gestural interface. Using an array of pressure sensors worn around the wrist, it can distinguis…
Light enables our visual perception. It is the most common medium for displaying digital information. Light regulates our circadian rhythms…
Sensor networks permeate our built and natural environments, but our means for interfacing to the resultant data streams have not evolved m…
RESTful services and the Web provide a framework and structure for content delivery that is scalable, not only in size but, more importantl…
In this project we investigate how the process of building a circuit can be made more organic, like sketching in a sketchbook. We integrate…
Circuit Stickers is a toolkit for crafting electronics using flexible and sticky electronic pieces. These stickers are created by printing …
The Circuit Sticker Activity Book is a primer for using circuit stickers to create expressive electronics. Inside are explanations of the s…
Living Observatory is an initiative for documenting and interpreting ecological change that will allow people, individually and collectivel…
Homes and offices are being filled with sensor networks to answer specific queries and solve pre-determined problems, but no comprehensive …
Programmable Paintings are a series of artworks that use electronic elements such as LED lights and microphone sensors as "pigments" in pai…