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With the fast-paced advancements in launch capabilities and space architecture, one can envision the introduction of large-scale structures…
In this work, we have developed a textile-based interactive surface fabricated through machine knitting technology. Our prototype exp…
Digital machine knitting is a highly programmable manufacturing process that has been utilized to produce apparel, accessories, and footwea…
This paper explores how an actuated pin-based shape display may serve as a platform on which to build musical instruments and controllers. …
We introduce a family of fragile electronic musical instruments designed to be “played” through the act of destruction. Each Fragile Instru…
Can tattoos embrace technology in order to make the skin interactive?The DermalAbyss project was the result of a collaboration between MIT …
Multimodal textile sensate media as an expressive and deformable musical interfaceIn the area of intelligent textiles, we are exploring a m…
Fluxa is a compact wearable device that exploits body movements, as well as the visual effects of persistence of vision (POV), to generate …
Skrin is an exploration project on digitalized body skin surface using embedded electronics and prosthetics. Human skin is a means for prot…
KickSoul is a wearable device that maps natural foot movements into inputs for digital devices. It consists of an insole with embedded sens…
ListenTree is an audio-haptic display embedded in the natural environment. Visitors to our installation notice a faint sound emerging from …
Aerial imaging and sensor nodes each present a unique view point into the world. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to navigate the same…
MMODM is an online drum machine based on the Twitter streaming API, using tweets from around the world to create and perform musical sequen…
GroupLoop is a browser-based, collaborative audio feedback control system for musical performance. Upon logging in, GroupLoop users send th…
As part of the Living Observatory ecological sensing initiative, we've been developing new approaches to mobile, wearable sensor data visua…
In a series of psychometric experiments, we tested subjects' perception of lighting in a virtual environment to assess the possibility of d…
Gestures Everywhere is a multimodal framework for supporting ubiquitous computing. Our framework aggregates the real-time data from a wide …
We are exploring the work piece as an interface to digital fabrication and digital modeling. Possible advantages include a more intuitive w…
We developed a music control surface which enables integration between any musical instruments via a versatile, customizable, and inexpensi…
Touch sensing has become established for a range of devices and systems both commercially and in academia. In particular, multi-touch scena…
We present an indoor positioning system that measures location using disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field by structural steel element…
We propose cutting as a novel paradigm for ad hoc customization of printed electronic components. As a first example we created a printed, …
The virtual messenger system acts as a portal to subtly communicate messages and pass information between the digital, virtual, and physica…
Our glass building lets us see across spaces�through the walls that enclose us and beyond. Yet invisibly, networks of sensors inside and ou…
The FreeD is a hand-held, digitally controlled milling device that is guided and monitored by a computer while still preserving the craftsp…
Current sports-medicine practices for understanding the motion of athletes while engaged in their sport of choice are limited to camera-bas…
Using machine learning, computer vision, and wrist-worn, smaller, time-of-flight cameras, we can recover hand pose and micro-gesture (small…
At present, luminous efficacy and cost remain the greatest barriers to broad adoption of LED lighting. However, it is anticipated that with…
This project is a system of compact, wearable, wireless sensor nodes, equipped with full six-degree-of-freedom inertial measurement units a…
The SEC is an extension to the free open-source program EyesWeb�that contains a large number of machine learning and signal processing algo…
How can traditional values be embedded into a digital object? We explore this concept by implementing a special guitar that combines physic…
We are working with sponsor Schneider Electric to deploy a dense, low-power wireless sensor network aimed at environmental monitoring for s…
In DoppelLab, we are developing tools that intuitively and scalably represent the rich, multimodal sensor data produced by a building and i…
Expressive musical re-performance is about enabling a person to experience the creative aspects of a playing a favorite song regardless of …
Rapidnition is a new way of thinking about gesturally controlled interfaces. Rather than forcing users to adapt their behavior to a predef…
The tongue has extremely dense sensing resolution, as well as an extraordinary degree of neuroplasticity�the ability to adapt to and intern…
Over the last decade, tracking people has attracted considerable research interest. Cameras enable efficient tracking of people but it is a…
We demonstrate the design and implementation of a new versatile, scalable, and cost-effective sensate surface. The system is based on a new…
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine-learning library that has been specifically designed fo…
In the Living Observatory installation at the Other Festival, we invite participants into a transductive encounter with a wetland environme…
We are developing a system for inferring safety context on construction sites by fusing data from wearable devices, distributed sensing inf…
While many wearable sensors have been developed, few are actually worn by people on a regular basis. WristQue is a wristband sensor that is…
We are developing an opt-in camera network, in which users carrying wearable tags are visible to the network and everyone else is invisible…
Digito is a gesturally controlled virtual musical instrument, controlled through a number of intricate hand gestures which provide both dis…
Increasing numbers of networked appliances are bringing about new opportunities for control and automation. At the same time, an increase i…
Funk2 is a novel process-description language that keeps track of everything that it does. Remembering these causal execution traces allows…
How do we leverage people to make systems more intelligent, efficient, and successful? Is it worthwhile to involve people heavily in the go…
This is a suite of devices and protocols to support applications in wearable human/social sensing linked to a distributed camera and vision…
We are developing a system for wireless capture of gesture, useful, for example, when interacting with a wearable display or other mobile c…
This project presents a new approach for the design and fabrication of the acoustic instrument, using digital fabrication technologies, and…
The ubiquitous sensor network and media explorer integrates sound, images, and diverse data sampled throughout the Media Lab into a visual,…
We have turned our building into a living laboratory by distributing 45 Ubiquitous Media Portals throughout our facility. These sensor-rich…
Spinner is a Lab-wide sensor network platform designed to detect and capture fragmented events of human behavior that can be collected and …
This project explores the wide-scale distribution of low-power, low-cost sensor nodes that can measure temperature, humidity, light levels,…
This project takes advantage of our group's Ubiquitous Media Portals platform, which enables a large suite of research around the broad the…
We have built a configurable infrastructure to protect users' dynamic levels of�privacy in a pervasive sensor network. Our system is based …
We can use sensor networks as a way of building a comprehensive picture of a physical space to transmit a sense of that space into a virtua…
This research focuses on developing a smart material capable of sensing, distilling, and interpreting environmental stimuli while offering …
This project focuses on the development of a low-cost system to track the precise 3-D position of large numbers of objects tagged with pass…
Tricorder Net is a handheld sensor-network interface inspired by Star Trek's tricorder, a device that provided Science Officer Spock with i…
This project addresses human cognitive models of reflective problem solving in terms of psychology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligen…
We have developed an extremely low-power and low-cost wireless sensor network aimed at applications in asset tracking and ubiquitous activi…
In collaboration with graduate students from across the Media Lab, the Digital Learning + Collaboration Studio has helped to develop MAS.S9…
Regular disinfection of hands and frequently touched surfaces is a critical factor in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and diso…
“Don’t touch your face” is seemingly simple advice. Since coronaviruses are stable for days on many surfaces, a person can get COVID-19 by …
In 2015, the director general of the European Space Agency (ESA), Jan Wörner, introduced the concept of the “Moon Village.” Inspired by the…
The Lut Desert of Iran is one of the most similar regions to Mars. Close to that area, there are vernacular adobe architectures that are hu…
The Tidmarsh Living Observatory Portal is a research project that focuses on the design and fabrication of a pavilion that will genera…
SpaceHuman is a soft robotics device designed to facilitate the exploration of environments with reduced gravity in a view of democratizati…
We introduce SkinBot: a lightweight robot that moves over the skin's surface with a two-legged suction-based locomotion mechanism and captu…
ChainFORM is a modular hardware system for designing linear shape-changing interfaces. Each module is developed based on a servo motor with…
Building on well-developed data visualization techniques, audio is used to enhance understanding by improving the brain's ability to parse …
LifeNet is a probabilistic spatial and temporal model allowing common-sense physical simulation. Mixtures of gaussians are used to map from…
Wireless sensor systems are currently being deployed in a wide variety of lightweight mobile applications such as detecting degenerative di…
Roboverse is a physical artificial intelligence simulation. The environment supports rigid body physical simulation of wheeled and legged r…
The Dual Reality Lab is an experiment aimed at an interface between distributed sensor networks (which collect information about the real w…
The Sensor Network Application Retasking Framework (or SNARF) is a collection of tools for embedding a variant of the Python programming la…
Most sensory data has limited utility without location information, and manual node localization becomes impossible for large, inaccessable…
We have developed a simple modular platform for wireless sensing. This system allows for easy prototyping and testing of embedded sensor ap…
The massive sensor network assumed by most advanced scenarios of ubiquitous computing must first be innocously deployed in devices used for…
We have developed tightly coupled sensor network that tries to mimic some of the sensory characteristics of a natural skin. Developed in a …
This project demonstrates how sensor networks can couple the real world with virtual worlds. A complete sensor network system (hardware and…
Although RFID technology is well established, there are some niches where RFID doesn't perform well (in the presence of metallic objects, o…
The UbER-Badge is a small, wearable-computing platform for experimentation with distributed systems, and the analysis and enhancement of gr…
Miniature sensors are so sophisticated that a wristwatch-mounted inertial measurement system can differentiate subtle actions such as shaki…
Pushpin Computing is a research platform for exploring sensing techniques and algorithms on a dense sensor network of one hundred nodes dis…
The Pushpin Computing project demonstrates several concepts in distributed, embedded, and ubiquitous computing and dense sensor networks. S…
The Tribble project demonstrates the application of dense, distributed sensor networks to electronic skins. The Tribble is a one-foot diame…
Distributed sensor networks offer many new capabilities for monitoring environments with applicability to medical, industrial, military, en…
This project pushes our work on the miniaturization of low-power radios and sensors for embedded intelligence into very small form factors …
We are investigating a novel pixellated vibrotactile device based on the hardware and software infrastructure developed in previous MLE-UL …
This project aims to create an electronic controller with many different sensor affordances that adapts to the gestural preferences of the …
We have built a compact piezoelectric push button and associated minimal circuitry that is able to transmit a digital RFID code to the imme…
The Nanogate is a micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) device capable of accurately and repeatedly controlling a nanometer gap between tw…
Touch screen systems allow users to interact directly with content displayed on a 2-D surface. However, current systems have severe limitat…
This project is developing a very novel noncontact microwave sensor system that detects the presence and activity of participants in front …
Motion and gait analyses have a number of applications in the medical field. For example, change in gait over extended time is used in neur…
A prime goal of ubiquitous computing is the embedding of sensing, communication, and computation into everyday objects. One consequence of …
Current 3-D laser scanning systems require a lengthy interval to complete each scan and require a clear line-of-sight, thereby severing the…
We are developing a set of very low-cost, wireless, wearable sensors that enable a large group of people (e.g., hundreds or thousands) to p…
The Atmosphere installation presents a large cloud of information on a wide presentation screen that can be manipulated by three handheld d…
This effort has resulted in a compact, wireless, low-power sensor card that transmits 8 analog sensor channels (4 are conditioned for press…
A very simple and inexpensive scanning laser rangefinder system has been developed for use as a precise gestural interface in front of a "s…
Building on our Expressive Footwear project, we have constructed a low-cost, compact, wireless inertial measurement unit, featuring three a…
We are developing a wireless system of devices to monitor the condition of patients with chronic diseases. The patient will use these devic…
As the power requirements for microelectronics continue decreasing, environmental energy sources can begin to replace batteries in certain …
This project explores the application of new commercial RF chipsets and research devices being developed at the MIT Microelectronics Labora…
The Media Matrix project draws on ideas from distributed, embedded, and parallel computing in order to address the creation and management …
This project explores different applications for tapered-aperture audio transducers, where incoming acoustic wavefronts correlate with spat…
LaserWho is large-scale gesture-based installation of the Visual Who project that uses the LaserWall for display and input. Users place anc…
We are building a prototype infrastructure for real-time collection and distribution of comprehensive information about road traffic and co…
musicBottles introduces a tangible interface that deploys bottles as containers and controls for digital information. The system consists o…
This project explores the use of passive acoustic sensing in automobiles. We are building acoustic sensing equimpment suitable for automoti…