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Wicaksono, I., Blanchard, L., Chin, S., Colon, C., and Paradiso, J., 2024. KnitworkVR: Dual-reality Experience through Distributed Sensor-Actuator Networks in the Living Knitwork Pavilion. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
Blanchard, Lancelot*, Perry Naseck*, Eran Egozy, and Joseph A. Paradiso. 2024. “Developing Symbiotic Virtuosity: AI-Augmented Musical Instruments and Their Use in Live Music Performances.” An MIT Exploration of Generative AI, September.
Wicaksono, I., Maheshwari, A., Haddad, D.D., Paradiso, J., and Danielescu, A., 2024. Design and Fabrication of Multifunctional E-Textiles by Upcycling Waste Cotton Fabrics through Carbonization. In Proc. ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 8, 2, Article 45 (June 2024), 31 pages.
Wicaksono, I., Shtarbanov, A., Slater, R., Ranade, E., Newman, D., and Paradiso, J., 2023. Design, Development, and Testing of Peristaltic Suit: Active-Dynamic Compression and Physiological Sensing Intra-vehicular Activity Spacesuit for Cardiovascular Deconditioning. In ICES 2023.
Wicaksono, I., Shtarbanov, A., Slater, R., Ranade, E. and Paradiso, J., 2022. Peristaltic (PS) Suit: Active Bioelectronic Sensing-Compression Spacesuit for Microgravity Adaptation and Cardiovascular Deconditioning. In ASCEND 2022 (p. 4208).
Najjar, D., Rainbow, J., Sharma Timilsina, S. et al. A lab-on-a-chip for the concurrent electrochemical detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in saliva and plasma. Nat. Biomed. Eng (2022).
Wicaksono, I., Hwang, P. G., Droubi, S., Wu, F. X., Serio, A. N., Yan, W., & Paradiso, J.A. (2022). 3DKnITS: Three-dimensional Digital Knitting of Intelligent Textile Sensor for Activity Recognition and Biomechanical Monitoring. IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society.
Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D.D., & Paradiso, J.A. (2022). Tapis Magique: Machine-knitted Electronic Textile Carpet for Interactive Choreomusical Performance and Immersive Environments. ACM Creativity and Cognition.
Chwalek, P.C., Ramsay, D.B., & Paradiso, J.A. (2021). Captivates: A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 5, 93:1-93:32.
Chwalek, Patrick, David Ramsay, and Joseph A. Paradiso. "Captivates: A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5.3 (2021): 1-32.
Wicaksono, I.*, Cherston, J.*, & Paradiso, J. A. (2021). Electronic Textile Gaia: Ubiquitous Computational Substrates Across Geometric Scales. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
Payra, S., Wicaksono, I., Cherston, J., Honnet, C., Sumini, V., & Paradiso, J. A. (2021, March). Feeling Through Spacesuits: Application of Space-Resilient E-Textiles to Enable Haptic Feedback on Pressurized Extravehicular Suits. In 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100) (pp. 1-12). IEEE.
Camilo Rojas, Niels Poulsen, Mileva Van Tuyl, Daniel Vargas, Zipporah Cohen, Joe Paradiso, Pattie Maes, Kevin Esvelt, and Fadel Adib. 2021. A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens.. Proc. ACM IMWUT
Kodama, Elena C., Nan Zhao, and Joseph A. Paradiso. "LightCloud: Future of Dynamic Lighting in the Shared Space." Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference. Springer, Cham, 2020.
"Sonoflex: Embroidered Speakers Without Permanent Magnets". Thomas Preindl, Cedric Honnet, Andreas Pointner, Roland Aigner, Joe Paradiso, Michael Haller. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2020.
Wilbert, J., Haddad, D. D., Ishii, H., & Paradiso, J. A. Patch-corde: an expressive patch cable for the modular synthesizer.
Wicaksono, I., and Paradiso, J.A.,"KnittedKeyboard: Digital Knitting of Electronic Textile Musical Controllers ", New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) July 22-24, 2020. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom.
Paradiso, J.A. and Siewiorek, D., “Attention Paid vs. Paying Attention in Pervasive Computing,” Guest Editors’ Introduction for the Special Issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing on ‘Managing Attention - Human and machine focus in Pervasive Computing,’ Vol. 19, April-June 2020, pp. 8-12
Wicaksono, I., Kodama, E., Dementyev, A. and Paradiso, J.A. 2020. SensorNets: Towards Reconfigurable Multifunctional Fine-grained Soft and Stretchable Electronic Skins. In Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA, 1–8. DOI:
Sumini, V., Muccillo, M., Milliken, J., Ekblaw, A. and Paradiso, J., 2020. SpaceHuman: A Soft Robotic Prosthetic For Space Exploration. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 11 May 2020]
Jiang, F., Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. (2020). Baguamarsh: an immersive narrative visualization for conveying subjective experience. In Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience: Thematic Area, HCI 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 22 (pp. 596-613). Springer International Publishing.
Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. A. (2019). The World Wide Web in an Analog Patchbay. In NIME (pp. 407-410).
A. Dementyev, J. Qi, J. Ou, J. Paradiso, “Mass Manufacturing of Self-Actuating Robots: Integrating Sensors and Actuators using Flexible Electronics” in Proc. of IROS’18
Dementyev A., Hernandez J., Choi I., Follmer S., Paradiso J., "Epidermal Robots: Wearable Sensors That Climb On The Skin" In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2 (3), September 2018.
Ekblaw, Ariel and Joseph Paradiso. "TESSERAE: self-assembling shell structures for space exploration." In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures: Extra Planetary Architecture, p. 317 (2018).
Cherston, Juliana, et al. "Sonification platform for interaction with real-time particle collision data from the atlas detector." Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2016.
A. Dementyev, J. Hernandez, S. Follmer, I. Choi, and J. Paradiso. "SkinBot: A Wearable Skin Climbing Robot." ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 2017.
Katia Vega, Nan Jiang, Xin Liu, Viirj Kan, Nick Barry, Pattie Maes, Ali Yetisen, Joe Paradiso. " The dermal abyss: interfacing with the skin by tattooing biosensors." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC '17 , p. 138-145, 2017.
Don Derek Haddad, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Spencer Russell, Xiao Xiao, Ken Perlin, Joseph A. Paradiso
Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructible Musical Interfaces. Don Derek Haddad, Xiao Xiao, Tod Machover, Joe Paradiso, to appear in NIME17.
Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructible Musical Interfaces. Don Derek Haddad, Xiao Xiao, Tod Machover, Joe Paradiso. NIME17.
Wicaksono, I and Paradiso, J.A."FabricKeyboard: Multimodal Textile Sensate Media as an Expressive and Deformable Musical Interface ", New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) May 15-19, 2017. Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dementyev, Artem, et al. "Rovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables." Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. ACM, 2016.
Xin Liu, Katia Vega, Jing Qian, Joe Paradiso, Pattie Maes
Joe Paradiso, Chris Schmandt, Katia Vega, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Rébecca Kleinberger, Xin Liu, Jie Qi, Asta Roseway, Ali K. Yetisen, Jürgen Steimle, Martin Weigel
Cherston, Juliana, et al. "Musician and Mega-Machine: Compositions Driven by Real-Time Particle Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector." Proceedings of the NIME 2016 Conference.
Kinéphone: Exploring the Musical Potential of an Actuated Pin-Based Shape Display Xiao Xiao, Don Derek Haddad, Thomas Sanchez, Akito van Troyer, Rébecca Kleinberger, Penny Webb, Joe Paradiso, Tod Machover, Hiroshi Ishii - NIME16
Xin Liu, Katia Vega, Pattie Maes, Joseph Paradiso
Spencer Russell, Gershon Dublon, Joseph A. Paradiso
Artem Dementyev, Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Joseph A. Paradiso
Nan Zhao, Matt Aldrich, Christoph Reinhart, Joseph A. Paradiso
Judith Amores, Pattie Maes, Joe Paradiso
Nan Zhao, Joseph A. Paradiso
Russell, S. "HearThere: Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Augmented-Reality Audio"
Ramasubramanian, V. "Immersive UAV-based Cross-Reality Navigation of Environmental Sensor Networks"
Jie Qi, Andrew 'bunnie' Huang, Joseph A. Paradiso
Nan Zhao, Gershon Dublon, Nicholas Gillian, Artem Dementyev, Joseph A. Paradiso
David Ramsay, Joseph A. Paradiso
MMODM: massively multiplayer online drum machine, B. Tome, D.D. Haddad, T. Machover, J. A. Paradiso. NIME 2015.
QianSheng Li, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Joseph A. Paradiso
Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Artem Dementyev, Joseph A. Paradiso, Chris Schmandt
L. C. Kao, Artem Dementyev, Joseph A. Paradiso, Chris Schmandt
Roy Shilkrot, Pattie Maes, Joseph A. Paradiso, Amit Zoran
Spencer Russell, Joseph A. Paradiso
Artem Dementyev, Joseph A. Paradiso
Aldrich, M. "Experiential Lighting: Development and Validation of Perception-based Lighting Controls"
Goyal, P. "CAD Enabling Smart Handtools"
Amit Zoran, Roy Shilkrot, Pragun Goyal, Pattie Maes, Joseph A. Paradiso
Gershon Dublon, Joseph A. Paradiso
David Way, Joseph A. Paradiso