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Center for Constructive Communication
"Leveraging Large Language Models for Learning Complex Legal Concepts through Storytelling," published by the Association for Computat…
Crossroads is an interactive social game where players dig deep into each other's past experiences by collaboratively generating and r…
During constituency listening processes (CLPs; e.g., town halls), leaders hear directly from community members about their needs and inter…
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) interventions in education grow, there is an urgent need to co-design AI for education tools with educators…
This project collates and explores public data from 200+ facilitated dialogues that occurred through the Fora platform in the last several …
Making visible dynamics within conversations enables us to see conversation quality, dynamics between participants, the impact of facilitat…
We examine whether and how the speed of spread and decay of news events differ between social media and broadcast media based on a sample o…
We further explore conversation visualization as a method of extracting and translating meaning for third party audiences who wish to bette…
Using natural language processing and machine learning, we discover emergent themes and patterns within our dialogue data set. Exploring ho…
Through an embodied, spatial audio experience, Collective Echos makes tangible a living library of human experiences.In the face of intensi…
Analogia is a customizable conversation game that guides players to tell emotion-rich personal stories by combining story 'threads' wi…
A robust and resilient communication infrastructure is essential to the development of democratic processes and knowledge formation. Decent…
A massive audit of 1800+ AI text datasets, tracing their provenance and composition from origin to creation.The race to train language mode…
Computer-mediated forms of communication (i.e., social media, texting) have quickly become the predominant way that we keep in touch w…
In January 2023, a team led by MIT PhD Candidate and MIT CCC Research Assistant Belén Saldías hosted several workshops on Human-Center…
In an effort to design alternatives to opinion-based discourse at scale online that exploded with polarization, toxicity, and misinformatio…
The Community Dialogue Data Trust (CODIDT) is an interactive digital platform designed to empower participants in facilitated dialogues wit…
CommunityLM is a research program from MIT Center for Constructive Communication (CCC) and MIT Media Lab. We are devoted to developing soci…
Spoken language is an information-rich medium that combines words with various paralinguistic information such as emotion and prosody. In d…
During facilitated small-group conversations, facilitators have to manage many tasks, including handling the technology, managin…
As part of its recommendations to increase transparency, the Aspen Institute’s Commission on Information Disorder recommended – in its…
Identity spans multiple dimensions; however, the relative salience of a dimension of identity can vary markedly from person to person. …
A revolutionary new piece of civic infrastructure for more inclusive public input.Real Talk for Change is a collaboration between MIT’s Cen…
Focus groups are a core methodology in audience research for bringing people together to discuss an issue of concern; however, it has been …
How might we collect rich and complex data from community dialogues, analyze and make sense of that data? How might we design outputs …
Across most school districts in America, school attendance boundaries play an important role in determining which schools children are assi…