In January 2023, a team led by MIT PhD Candidate and MIT CCC Research Assistant Belén Saldías hosted several workshops on Human-Centered Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization, and Causal Inference for the MIT–Chile Research Workshops. This initiative exposed students and general audience participants to Artificial Intelligence, Visualization, and Causality research through lectures, hands-on workshops, and scholar discussions and opportunities in Chile.

Read the full workshop recap here:!

Or go to our gallery, here: !

Our collaborators' support allowed us to host more than 100 students, out of whom 44% self-identify as women or non-binary, and 30% are not from Santiago (traveling internationally from 6 different countries and from northern and southern regions of Chile–for whom we also provided travel funding). It was four days in Concepción and four days in Santiago.


MIT–Chile Human-Centered AI & Visualization Research Workshop is a collaborative initiative by MIT, CENIA, and iHealth to bring together research-focused lectures and talks for the scientific community in Chile. We present the convergence of two Human-Centered spheres, Machine Learning (ML) and Visualization (Viz).

During this week-long workshop, the public audience will have the opportunity to engage in research talks by experts in Human-Centered ML and Data Viz. While these talks are tailored to be specialized in one of the areas, we are excited about our lecture's curriculum, which offers a unique hands-on deep dive into the processes and methods in the intersection of Human-Centered AI and Data Viz.


Collaborative initiative between Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Universidad de Concepción (UdeC) that brings together research-focused lectures and talks for the scientific community in Chile. During this 4-day workshop, the public audience will have the opportunity to engage in research talks and discussion panels with researchers from MIT and UdeC.