
Learn more: Emerging Worlds

Learn more about the Emerging Worlds special interest group:


At the MIT Media Lab, our aim is to influence and improve human lives. The proliferation of mobile devices and wide connectivity, as well as the availability and growth of machine learning, crowdsourcing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things offer new possibilities for research and development. In both developed and Emerging Worlds, there is a great opportunity for game-changing innovations that will impact billions.


We have built a platform that brings together technical experts, innovators, academic institutions, implementation collaborators and progressive corporate collaborators that will allow us to solve the most pressing challenges within India, and other developing countries. The focus is on finding solutions that help serve the "The Next 5 Billion" citizens by:

Identifying community specific challenges that may have solutions that could also be applied to multiple locations.

Providing mentoring, training and technical support from corporate collaborators, the MIT Media Lab, and other leading institutions to assist innovators creating novel technical solutions for rapidly emerging and pop-up cities.

Pairing innovators with implementation collaborators on the ground to ensure that each solution responds to real needs and enters the market with speed and scale.  

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