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CityFlow is a versatile tool that allows users to design, evaluate, and visualize urban solutions through an llm-integrated, case-based sys…
In the CityScope platform, we leverage humanized Agent-Based Models (h-ABMs) to elevate urban simulation to new heights of realism and comp…
CityScope Costanera is a tangible platform that outlines the Costanera neighborhood of Concepcion, Biobío Chile. The Costanera de Concepció…
The MIT City Science team will work with Ben-Gurion University (BGU) in Beersheba on a new collaboration to create the City Science Lab @ I…
Country-scale analysis of high-resolution mobility patterns and infection spreadThe MIT Media Lab City Science group and the Andorra Innova…
Virtual CityScope Champs-Élysées is an interactive and immersive platform that explores the future of Paris’ most important street.
SoapCam is a WIP Human Computer Interaction system that motivates proper hand washing routines."Hand hygiene is the most important measure …
An interactive platform to improve decision-making related to the revitalization of the Champs ÉlyséesCityScope Champs-Élysée is a ta…
How can we get more value from the same buildings? Cities contain many different resources and spaces and typically, these resources o…
Graphics on incompletenessThe City Science Summit 2019, CITIES WITHOUT, explored a future without top-down and obsolete systems. During the…
How do you image a city that doesn't exist? DeepScope is a novel platform for interactive, real-time, and setup-less urban design visu…
What is FindingPlaces?In reaction to the sudden arrival of tens of thousands of refugees in the city of Hamburg (DE) in 2015, the Lord Mayo…
We are at the dawn of a mobility revolution, where autonomous vehicles will replace cars controlled by humans. We can imagine this developi…
Research in dynamic tools, mix users (citizens, workers) amenities, services, and land use, with the goal of promoting sustainable developm…
MoCho (short for "Mobility Choices") is a CityScope module focused on mobility choices and societal impacts. This tool helps pred…
MIT City Science has developed an international network of cooperative City Science LabsWe are developing concepts and key technology that …
Tongji University, Shanghai, and the MIT Media Lab's City Science group are co-developing a version of the MIT CityScope platform for …
Predicting Urban Performance through Behavioral Patterns in Temporal Telecom DataThis study explores a novel method to analyze diverse beha…
CityScope Volpe is demonstrating most of the urban planning, analysis, and prediction features developed for the CityScope project. The sit…
View the main City Science Andorra project profile.The MIT Media Lab's City Science research group, the University of Andorra, and national…
View the main City Science Andorra project profile.With more than eight million visitors a year, tourism represents almost 30% of the econo…
Andorra and the City Science research group at the MIT Media Lab are taking on the challenge of turning Andorra into an “Internationally Re…
Cloud-Based Urban Data PlatformcityIO (input/output) is a cloud- and database-driven platform which allows remote participation, database a…
MIT City Science is working with HafenCity University to develop digital tools to enable more livable communities. In one project, the team…
City Science researchers are developing a slew of tangible and digital platforms dedicated to solving spatial design and urban planning cha…
The Andorra Living Lab project combines different research topics (Tourism, Innovation, Energy & Environment, Mobility, Dynamic urban p…
This project depicts the design, deployment and operation of a Tangible Regulation Platform, a physical-technological apparatus made for th…
The development of transportation improvements in any city poses a range of challenges, including meaningfully involving relevant stakehold…