The City Science Lab @ Biobio recently hosted a workshop co-organized with the San Vicente Port Company. The workshop invited a dialogue be…
The City Science Lab @ Biobio recently hosted a CityScope Symposium where the team presented their research findings on the Costanera, a re…
Exploring Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Reimagining the Costanera de Concepción is an event that encompasses a public program on th…
Hyper-LOCAL Solutions to GLOBAL Challenges
CityScope: An Urban modeling and Simulation Platform
“Champs -Elysées, History & Perspectives” presents the streets' current usages, and proposes a vision of its potential evolutions.
The virtual Cambridge CHI event, which is student-run and open to the public, is happening May 14-15th from 11am–2pm EDT.
This City Science Summit explores a future WITHOUT top-down and increasingly obsolete heavy infrastructure.
Recent advancements in autonomous and intelligent machines introduce an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine how people live, work, and p…
A one-day event focused on global service innovations