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Dr. Canan Dagdeviren will present at the 2025 AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, focusing on a multidisciplinary roadmap for regenerative medic…
Canan Dagdeviren joined Power + Impact with Jim McCann to discuss her journey in pioneering wearable ultrasound technology at MIT. In this …
This research has ImPULS has potential applications for treating conditions from major depression to Alzheimer’s disease.
Yoonsoo Shin has been awarded the prestigious MIT-Novo Nordisk Artificial Intelligence Postdoctoral Fellowship. He is a member of the Confo…
A recent paper by the Conformable Decoders research group, titled "Decoding tissue biomechanics using conformable electronic devices," made…
MIT News has highlighted the top achievements and inspiring stories of 2024, including Professor Canan Dagdeviren and the Conformable Decod…
The Conformable Decoders group's work on an implantable piezoelectric ultrasound stimulator (ImPULS) has been recognized by the B…
Prof. Canan Dagdeviren received the Aziz Sancar Science Award given by the Health Institutes of Turkey and Turkish Ministry of Health—the f…
Research from the Conformable Decoders group, "Design Approaches and Electromechanical Modeling of Conformable Piezoelectric-Based Ultrasou…
Inspired by her aunt’s battle with cancer, Media Lab Professor Canan Dagdeviren developed a wearable ultrasound monitor that can screen wom…
She was selected for her work on breast cancer detection in the Engineering + Technology category.
Canan Dagdeviren talks to Sharon Kedar about the latest generation of the wearable ultrasound scanner Conformable Decoders is developing.
MIT engineers’ implantable ImPULS device could become an alternative to the electrodes now used to treat Parkinson’s and other diseases.
Inspired by her aunt’s battle with cancer, Canan Dağdeviren developed a wearable ultrasound monitor that can screen women between checkups.
On BBC Woman's Hour, Professor Canan Dagdeviren talks to host Emma Barnett about the wearable ultrasound scanner developed in the Media Lab…
To help combat "interval" cancers, the Conformable Decoders group led by Prof. Dagdeviren, has developed a wearable ultrasound scanner.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) stands as the preeminent global entity dedicated to the advancement of technol…
The Media Lab is honored to have had its research and researchers highlighted in two 2023 end-of-year lists prepared by MIT News.
Professor Dagdeviren was recognized for her work developing a wearable ultrasound patch for early breast cancer detection.
The wearable device, designed to monitor bladder and kidney health, could be adapted for earlier diagnosis of cancers deep within the body.
This work has been featured on the homepage of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers of Engineering.
Integrating wearable electronics into facemasks could provide valuable insight into personal and public health.
Converting the patterns of nature and the human body into beneficial signals and energy
Jason Hou, a PhD student in the Conformable Decoders research group, has been selected as a fellow for this NIH T32 grant.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of BSN, this special panel discussion is set to unveil the intricate journey of wearable computing a…
IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks – Sensors and Systems for Digital Health (IEEE BSN) is the premier conference in…
Canan Dagdeviren, head of the Conformable Decoders group, is among the recipients of the 2023 Professor Amar G. Bose Research Grants.
Prof. Canan Dagdeviren talks to Boston 25 News about a wearable ultrasound device that could help detect early-stage breast cancer.
Prof. Canan Dagdeviren talks to CBS News about a wearable ultrasound device that could allow users to detect early changes in breast tissue.
In the episode "The Happy Pod: Superhero dog saves family from fire," BBC Global News Podcast highlights Dr. Dagdeviren's research in …
IEEE Pulse: From The Lab Episode 1: Canan Dagdeviren
MIT Technology Review reports on transdermal drug delivery research from the Conformable Decoders group, led by Professor Canan Dagdeviren.
Canan Dağdeviren, head of the Conformable Decoders research group, discusses her time at the MIT Media Lab and where her research is headed.
The new device, which can be incorporated into a bra, could allow more frequent monitoring of patients at high risk for breast cancer.
Canan Dagdeviren + co-workers report a soft, conformable embodiment of a wearable ultrasound patch for transdermal drug delivery to the skin
Using ultrasonic waves that propel drug molecules into the skin, the patch could be used to treat a variety of skin conditions.
A cohort of 142 academics—including Conformable Decoders group director Dr. Dagdeviren—have recently had a paper published in ACS Nano.
Brain-computer interfaces, IoT and AI to fuel the advancement of assistive technology devices for ALS patients.
Face masks smarten upA conformable sensor interface that can be attached to the inside of a face mask can be used to monitor breathing patt…
The system measures biological and environmental changes, and detects contact between the mask and the wearer’s skin.
The Office of Multicultural Programs at MIT recognized Dr. Canan Dagdeviren as the 2022 Faculty Ambassador at the 2022 Multicultural Awards
This special issue encourages contributors to submit their work in this field to demonstrate its great potential to reshape everyday life.
The competition was co-hosted by MIT School of Engineering + the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, alongside Northpond Ventures.
MIT Future Founders Initiative announces prize competition to promote female entrepreneurs in biotech.
By John Pavlus Imagine you're a patient being treated for Parkinson's Disease, which causes tremors. The disorder kills brain cells th…
Bioengineer Canan Dağdeviren is living her dream, decoding physical patterns of the human body in order to diagnose and cure diseases.
The center is funded by a $24 million gift to MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research from philanthropist Lisa Yang.
The Space Exploration Initiative and Space Enabled research group are participating in this year's Virtual MIT Space Week.
The awards will support Dagdeviren's research in the emerging field of widely deployed biosensing tools.
How Canan Dagdeviren helped her students and members of the Conformable Decoders group adjust to working remotely
“That’s one thing I always tell my female students.”
Conformable Decoders head Canan Dagdeviren is one of the Inverse Future 50—"a group of 50 people who will be forces of good in the 2020s.”
This new level of teaching is the silver lining of this very difficult yet enlightening year.
Researchers have designed a skin-like device that can measure small facial movements in patients who have lost the ability to speak.
“We have standard operating procedures for emergencies, and everyone knew what to do,” Dagdeviren says.
Our Commitment
MIT lab offers a model for cost savings, productivity, and safety; principles may also facilitate efficient reopening in the future.
The motivation for becoming more organized stems from a desire to reduce inefficiencies and potential safety risks, among other variables.
Clothing that monitors vital signs could be made possible with electronic sensors that have been embedded into stretchy fabrics.
Its potential here on Earth has much more widespread benefit potential, particularly in the era of COVID-19.
The rapid advancement of electronic devices and fabrication technologies has further promoted the field of wearables and smart textiles. Ho…
Comfortable, form-fitting garments could be used to remotely track patients’ health.