We are augmenting Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machines used in fabrication, prototyping, and construction. This project aims to devel…
Design and modeling processes in architecture and the automotive industry have evolved along completely separate paths. This research proje…
Can animated playground props support and possibly enhance open-ended and physically active play in playgrounds? This project expands the r…
Virtual Towing allows a city to rapidly collect and redistribute vehicles, by enabling a single driver to tow multiple vehicles without mec…
Working with Juan Alberto Belloch, the mayor of Zaragoza, Spain, MIT developed a programmable water wall composed of digitally controlled s…
The Smart Cities and Cognitive Machines groups have teamed up with the Center for Future Banking to design a concept banking store in the B…
The Zero Car is a testing platform and chassis for the Wheel Robots project. Zero Car is a customizable and modular platform that houses th…
We are exploring the potential of low-cost, networked sensing and actuation technologies to improve urban agriculture, promote public healt…
Speakeasy is a community-based telephone service that connects multilingual volunteers, non-English speaking immigrants, and social service…
TxTMob is a text-message service developed for political activists engaged in direct action and mass mobilizations. Approximately 6,000 pro…
Dialup Radio is an audiocentric, mobile-phone-based independent media service. It has been designed and tested with activists in sub-Sahara…
This project redefines the future performance vehicle by utilizing an articulating chassis that is activated by using fluid air muscles and…
Originating from the "Wearable Seat" concept, we are designing a seat that has the sensual qualities of clothing while allowing the driver …
Car seats, and other seating devices (such as wheel chairs) are the product of a steady evolution that began with regular chairs. Starting …
In this research project, we rethink the mobility dynamics in the city context, both from a physical and cognitive perspective, considering…
Who are you now? This project aims to model the answer to that question, in all its relevant dimensions and constructs, within the context …
We are designing an �electronic lens� that provides pedestrians with immediate, on-the-spot, geographically and temporally contextualized i…
Flossing is the phenomenon of drivers travelling back and forth on a designated route to show off their vehicles. The Flosser is a software…
The past several years have shown a proliferation of sensor and wireless communication technologies across the urban landscape, enabling la…
An understanding of the historical development of the car is critical to a "reinvention" of the car. This research project tracks the diffe…
Creating smart 3-D models in the CATIA environment allows designers and engineers to explore and test the feasible envelopes in component-a…
New Century Cities is a joint research initiative between MIT�s Center for Real Estate, City Design and Development (Urban Studies and Plan…
The city of the future will provide a high degree of connectivity to its inhabitants. Targeting the fast-paced urban traffic environment, t…
In a modern urban setting, the organization of architectural space structures spatial proximity in the same fashion as peculiarities of nat…
You can Telnet directly to my ear�but no, I won't tell you the IP address! The mobile user wears a wirelessly networked computer with a hea…
Critical Cartography develops mapping tools for urban activists. The current prototype is a data-collection and route-planning application …
The Buddy Compass, a watch-like device that points in the direction of the wearer's friend, explores an alternative user interface for loca…
Location Linked Information (LLI) introduces a scalable infrastructure to support access to and creation of virtual information nuggets tha…