Other Contributors
Avik Basu
Yin Chao (Visiting Student)
Monika Gorkani*
Chris Graczyk*
Shaundra Daily
Phil Davis
Joseph Francos, Ph.D.(PostDoc)*
Teresa Marrin Nakra, Ph.D.
Ashok (Kris) Popat, Ph.D.*
Yuan (Alan) Qi, Ph.D.
Jocelyn Scheirer
Martin Szummer, Ph.D.*
Elias Vyzas
Joshua Wachman*
Deepa Iyengar
Tanweer Kabir*
Dana Kirsch
Jonathan Klein
Stoffel Kuenen(Visiting Student)
Fang Liu, Ph.D.*
*Asterisk means was a member of Picard's group before it was renamed to Affective Computing. In those days, we focused on computer vision, pattern analysis, and machine learning for content-based retrieval of video and image, largely ignoring the role of affect. Today we continue to use and develop these same technical tools, but with awareness of the important role affect plays in perception, learning, behavior and more, and with emphasis on applications that help people.