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Ryan (Yan Zhang)
Sept. 13, 2017
We believe that we can design a good city, and each city teaches us its unique lessons. The City Science Summit aims to share this collective knowledge from all around the world so we can plan our future cities better. The two day conference in the Andorra Innovation Center will feature PechaKucha style presentations from our participants followed by round table discussions and presentations. Learn from our past collaborations and share your visions for the cities of tomorrow.
The City Science Initiative is collaborating with universities and cities around the world to build tools that can predict the impact of new urban systems that enable more entrepreneurial, livable, high-performance districts. These urban data observatories and to simulate the impact of urban design, energy networks, mobility systems and other urban interventions. The summit aims to extend CityScope capabilities and to test the deployment of urban innovation in a local context.
Keynote speakers. Kent Larson + Gilbert Saboya
P1 Ariel Noyman - CityScope - MIT Media Lab
Ariel Noyman is researcher, lecturer, architect and an urban designer working to fuse cities and technology. Noyman has over a decade of experience in large-scale urban, institutional and private design projects, city-science and data visualization, academic research and teaching. Noyman is a researcher at the City Science group at the MIT Media Lab where he works on integrating the group’s diverse research topics (city simulation, urban mobility and smart spaces) to provide comprehensive solutions for large scale urban challenges.
P2 Arnaud Grignard - Agent Based Modelling - MIT Media Lab
Arnaud Grignard is a computer scientist specialized in complex systems modelling and information visualization. He is a research scientist in the City Science group at the MIT MediaLab. While working on different fields of application such as multi-level, urban systems and human mobility, he develops a new approach called agent-based visualization to handle real-time visualization tasks applied both to data and simulation outputs.
P3 Jörg Noennig - HCU CityScience Lab - HCU
Jörg Rainer Noennig is a trained architect and professor for Digital City Science at the CityScienceLab at HCU Hamburg since 2016. His research focus is on the transformation of cities and societies through digital technologies. He also directs the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR – Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture at Technische Universität Dresden.
P4 Ronan Doorley - Urban mobility modeling with mobile phone data - Trinity College/MIT Media Lab
Interested in optimisation of transportation networks for health, environmental and travel time impacts. Using a combination of machine learning, optimisation and environmental sensing to understand mobility and design optimal interventions.
P5 Su Yun Sheng - CityScope Tongi - Tongji University
Dr. Su Yunsheng is a planning consultant for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo, a guest lecturer at Shanghai’s Urban Planning Bureau, Director Training Courses, and co-founder of Urban China Magazine. He has given lectures at Tongji University in Shanghai, AA school in UK, Bauhaus School in German, etc.
P6 Michael Lin - Persuasive Electric Vehicle - MIT Media Lab
Michael Lin is currently a PhD student and a Research Assistant at the MIT Media Lab, Changing Places group. His main focus area is on the design and fabrication of the future mobility system. He is currently working on the design of a modularized, lightweight, peddle assist electric vehicle.
P7 Wolfgang Gruel - Share use and Electric Vehicle - Daimler Mobility
Wolfgang is passionate about digital innovation and mobility. His work at Daimler Mobility Services and at the Stuttgart Media University’s Institute for Mobility and Digital Innovation focuses on creating more sustainable mobility systems that make use of new technologies and change the way we travel.
P8 Florian Lennert - User testing real work with EVs - London School of Economics
We are evolving urban space-time and its life-projecting systems. The future will sustainably self-organise or automate ecological pathology.
P9 Christopher Borroni-Bird - Low cost E-cart: "Mobility Solutions for all the World" - Qualcomm
Born in Liverpool, studied at King’s College, Cambridge. Research at University of Tokyo Emigrated to US in 1992 for Chrysler. Inducted into Automotive Hall of Fame. Led GM’s advanced vehicles 2000-2012. Automotive News’ Electrifying 100. Qualcomm VP Strategic Development.
P10 Luis Alonso - Data-Driven, evidence-based simulation of urban dynamics - MIT Media Lab
PhD in Architecture, MIT Technology Review awarded, over 10 years of experience as an architect, today is a Research Scientist at City Science group, and coordinator of the Andorra Living Lab Project. His antidisciplinary way of thinking fits perfectly at MIT Media Lab.
P11 Nuria Macia - TerMITes, Kids, Learning - ActuaTECH
I earned my Ph.D in Computer Science in 2011 from La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain). I currently collaborate with Fundació ActuaTech. I enjoy crunching data and find my passion in learning and innovation.
P12 Ángel Pérez - Lima: “A city between the Pyrenees and the Andes” - Universidad del Pacifico
Is a PhD in Literature, researcher and representative in Europe of Universidad del Pacifico. Among his academic interests are Travel Literature, digital humanities and the Philosophy of Science.
P13 Antti Ahlava - Aalto campus innovation - Aalto university
Antti Tuomela, D.Sc. (Tech.), is responsible for leading the campus investment program in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland. Aalto University is investing during next ten years 350 million euros to its operational buildings and enables over 1 billion investments to the developing area in forms of commercial and residential buildings. Aalto University owns the land and buildings in Otaniemi where City Science collaboration is implemented.
P14 Yann Baucis - Building innovation environment in Andorra - ActuaTECH
International Degree in Business & Management - Executive MBA at ESCP Paris- Director of the ActuaTech Foundation in Andorra
P15 Kent Larson - Micro Housing - MIT Media Lab
Kent Larson directs the City Science Initiative and the Changing Places group at the MIT Media Lab. His research focuses on developing urban interventions that enable more entrepreneurial, livable, high-performance districts in cities. To that end, his projects include advanced simulation and augmented reality for urban design, transformable micro-housing for millennials, mobility-on-demand systems that create alternatives to private automobiles, and Urban Living Lab deployments in Hamburg, Andorra, Taipei, and Boston.
P16 Albert Moles - Microgrids a new way to share energy - FEDA
General manager of Andorran public electric company, FEDA, operating electricity in the Andorra. Degree in Energy Engineering from the INSA Lyon, projects and business explorer, and leader of cluster for Innovation and New Technologies.
P17 Kau Li-Jen - An intelligent mattress system - National Taipei University of Technology
Healthcare, Wearable and Video Processing Technology City Science Lab @ Taipei Tech
P18 Marc Pons - Solar Energy - OBSA
Engineer and PhD in Sustainability Science and Technology, he is the director of the Sustainability Observatory of Andorra and head of department at the Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra. Interested in monitoring and modeling socio-ecological systems, his research focuses on understanding the interactions and interdependence between humans and the environment, especially in mountain societies.
P19 John Clippinger - City commons - MIT Media Lab, Founder, Token, Harvard
Two decades at harvard law school and mit media lab, involved in computational law and design of decentralized autonomous organizations and authorities. currently involved in design of crypto-token protocols for a commons for the trusted sharing of data and local economies. phd in ai and linguistics and founder of 4 companies.
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