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by Stacie Slotnick
Feb. 13, 2017
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThe Transtheoretical Model can be applied with individual patients and entire populations to prod…
Are the things we’re inventing for the future taking into account our deepest human needs? The Advancing Wellbeing initiative explores not …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionDigital technologies have made their way into all the aspects of our lives that, according to psy…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThe world’s population is aging. While people are living longer, they are also suffering from man…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionMobile and ubiquitous computing research has led to new techniques for cheaply, accurately, and c…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionTalks in the Advancing Wellbeing Seminar Series are free and open to the public.Poor diet and obe…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E15-070, Bartos Theater DescriptionTo create behavior change that endures, designers have only one approach that is …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionOne third of US adults have low health literacy, the ability to obtain, read, and use healthcare …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionChronic stress is often thought to be exacerbated by interactive technologies–but we challenge th…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionOver the last three years, Dr. BJ Fogg has used email to coach over 30,000 people in a new method…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 Description“You cannot not communicate,” Paul Watzlawick once famously said. Similarly, whatever designers p…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionRogers will discuss two topics. The first is on the four underlying psychological and structural…
Dr. Andrew Walshe, Senior Director of High Performance for Red Bull, presents his seminar "Performance Under Pressure: Fear is Not an Optio…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionProlonged sedentary behavior characterized by long bouts of sitting increases the risk for premat…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionCan you imagine a city that feels, understands, and cares? Many of us live and work in an urban e…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionA wealth of evidence indicates that exercise programs can relieve negative affect, alleviate stre…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionFor much of the last 25 years the focus of nutritional advice has been to reduce total fat intake…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionMore than 30 million adults in the United States suffer from depression. Many more meet the diagn…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionOur tastes and predilections for food are based neither on instinct or information, but cultural …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionNew mobile apps and wearable devices for measuring health-related behavior and motivating health …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionCarefully designed feedback on automatically sensed human behavior has been effective in improvin…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionSleep deficiency and circadian disruption are endemic in our 24/7 society. Both are particularly …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, currently affecting over 5 million …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionWhen online communities first emerged on the Internet, they developed without structure; there we…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionTwo of the main components of wellbeing are engagement and positive affect. Stress is often derid…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E15-359 DescriptionTalks in the Advancing Wellbeing Seminar Series are free and open to the public.The popularity of…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E15-359 DescriptionCompared with many other industries, including health care, the Internet industry has distinct ad…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionIn this interactive workshop, Dr. Brian Cugelman will discuss motivation from an evolutionary-psy…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionA fundamental challenge for modern society is the development of effective approaches to enhance …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThis talk is free and open to the public, and will be a live interaction via Skype.The Fogg Behav…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionIn his talk, Dr. Nock will describe recent findings from epidemiologic studies on the prevalence,…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionJohn Miller will examine different aspects of dating and relationships from the perspective of a …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThis talk is open to the public and will be webcast live. For the last decade, Sandy Pentland's r…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionThis talk is free and open to the public, and will be webcast.This fun and interactive program te…
DescriptionSleep deficiency and circadian disruption are endemic in our 24/7 society. Both are particularly prevalent on college campuses, …
DescriptionIn his talk, Dr. Nock will describe recent findings from epidemiologic studies on the prevalence, characteristics and risk facto…
DescriptionAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, currently affecting over 5 million people in the USA alone. Age-re…
Social Influences on Health: Addressing both risks and Resources