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Every day, data about our environment, education, routes, and other aspects of our lives become available. Yet most people often struggle t…
Struggling to build your organization's ability to work with data? Use our hands-on learning program to kickstart your data culture.datacul…
Your social media. Your rules.Gobo is an experiment, not a startup. We’re building it to change the conversation on social media and imagin…
DataBasic is a suite of web-based tools that give people fun and relevant ways learn how to work with data. Existing tools focus on operati…
Everyone in the city is an expert on their own experience of that city. So how might we integrate new forms of citizen input into the plann…
Media Perspective brings a data visualization into 3D space. This data sculpture represents mainstream media coverage of Net Neutrality ove…
The Out for Change Transformative Media Organizing Project (OCTOP) links LGBTQ, Two-Spirit, and allied media makers, online organizers, and…
Action Path is a mobile app to help people learn about and engage with issues in their community. The app uses push notifications tied to g…
More than a billion people a month visit YouTube to watch videos. Sometimes, those billion people watch the same video. What We Watch is a …
Media Cloud is a system that facilitates massive content analysis of news on the Web. Developed by the Berkman Center for Internet and Soci…
The Civic Crowdfunding project is an initiative to collect data and advance social research into the emerging field of civic crowdfunding, …
Terra Incognita is a global news game and recommendation system. Terra Incognita helps you discover interesting news and personal connectio…
Mapping the Globe is an interactive tool and map that helps us understand where The Boston Globe directs its attention. Media attention mat…
The Passing On project uses data from 20 years of New York Times stories about society's heroes, leaders, and visionaries to "reader-source…
Every country has a brand, negative or positive, and that brand is mediated in part by its global press coverage. We are measuring and rank… is a hosted mobile blogging platform that makes it easy for people to share content to the web from mobile phones via voice calls, …
Involving communities in the design process results in products that are more responsive to a community's needs, more suited to accessibili…
NGO2.0 is a project grown out of the work of MIT's New Media Action Lab. The goal of NGO2.0 is to strengthen the digital and social media l…
VoIP Drupal is an innovative framework that brings the power of voice and Internet-telephony to Drupal sites. It can be used to build hybri…
Call to Action is an open-source web platform for creating telephone-based services such as hotlines, voice petitions, and phone blogging. …
Have you ever been forwarded an email that you just can't believe? Our inboxes are rife with misinformation. The truth is out there, just n…
NewsJack is a media remixing tool built from Mozilla's Hackasaurus. It allows users to modify the front pages of news sites, changing lang…
Books are challenged and banned in public schools and libraries across the country. But which books, where, by whom, and for what reasons? …
The VozMob Drupal Distribution is Drupal customized as a mobile blogging platform. VozMob has been designed to make it easy to post content…
Between the Bars is a blogging platform for one out of every 142 Americans�prisoners�that makes it easy to blog using standard postal mail.…
New Day New Standard is an interactive hotline that informs nannies, housekeepers, eldercare-givers, and their employers about the landmark…
What's Up is a set of tools designed to allow people in a small geographic community to share information, plan events, and make decisions,…
The Junkyard Jumbotron (JJ) lets one take a collection of random screens and instantly stitch them into one large virtual display simply by…
Urban spaces have different uses and different histories for the people who move through and use them. Those layered histories can enrich o…
The Toy Interface Construction Kit Learning Environment (T.I.C.K.L.E.) is a universal construction kit for the rest of us. It doesn't requi…
Cronicas de Heroes documents acts of extraordinary and everyday heroism in communities that sometimes seem devoid of heroes�cities on the U… is about helping Bostonians work together to make neighborhoods more visitor-friendly. Community groups are partnering wit…
We created a computational construction kit for the blind and visually impaired by modifying the user interface of our Cricket programmable…
Promise Tracker is a citizen-monitoring platform designed to help communities track issues they care about and use that information to advo…
Newspaper front pages are a key source of data about our media ecology. Newsrooms spend massive time and effort deciding what stories make …
Media Cloud is a platform for studying media ecosystems. By tracking millions of stories published online, the system allows researchers to…
As part of our larger effort to build out a suite of tools for community organizers, we are helping to build their capacity to do their own…