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We are pleased to invite our members to an exclusive event showcasing the work of the MIT Media Lab.
XPANSE is a global initiative bringing together the world’s brightest minds and renowned technologists to set the path for exponential tech…
Title: Building A Hybrid Career Across Tech, Business, And Design. Or, “How I Learned to Speak Human After Leaving MIT :-)”Abstract: What h…
A number of Media Lab researchers are participating in UIST 2024.
In this talk, I will trace the evolution of our vision-driven design research from Tangible Bits to Radical Atoms and from Telepresence to …
A variety of Media Lab community members will participate in the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Professor Hiroshi Ishii will be giving a keynote talk, and afterwards he will participate in a seminar moderated by Dr. Michael Lin.
A number of Media Lab researchers and alumni are participating in UIST 2023.
IFT celebrated its launch with a press conference, a research conference, and an evening of interactive arts performances.
As knowledge around bio-digital interaction continues to unfold, there are new opportunities for HCI researchers to integrate biology as a …
This interactive event will highlight insights and recent research from the MIT Media Lab over the course of three days in Bangkok, Thailand
A number of Media Lab researchers and alumni are participating in UbiComp 2022.
This Special Interest Group is a venue for the first gathering of the community, offering an opportunity for networking and discussions.
We hope you'll join us for this segment of the Media Lab Perspective Series where Professor Hiroshi Ishii will welcome Fernanda Viégas
A variety of Media Lab community members will be participating in the virtual 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
About the workshopThe home is a place of shelter, a place for family, and for separation from other parts of life, such as work. Global cha…
The MIT Media Lab is a community centered around research and invention—a place that builds ideas to change the world. As a valued member o…
The following Media Lab community members are participating in the virtual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST).
The exhibition includes work from a number of Media Lab researchers and alumni.
ABSTRACTToday's mainstream Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research primarily addresses functional concerns – the needs of users, practica…
“My dream is to make bits tangible and atoms dance.”—Hiroshi Ishii
The virtual Cambridge CHI event, which is student-run and open to the public, is happening May 14-15th from 11am–2pm EDT.
Welcome to Ars Electronica 2020 | Garden CAMBRIDGE by the Tangible Media group
Hila Mor will be presenting Venous Materials paper from Tangible Media group in the CHI 2020 Japan Chapter Local meeting
The following Media Lab community members are participating in the 2020 conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
This studio will take place in the fourteenth international conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
A variety of research from the Media Lab will be featured at the 2019 Ars Electronica Festival.
MIT Media Lab @ Tokyo 2018Being Artistic and AnalyticRoppongi Academy Hills, Tokyo, Japan
A fresh update from the Tangible Media Group at the Ars Electronica Center.
New exhibition at Centre Pompidou features work from Tangible Media and Mediated Matter groups.
LocationSapporo Convention Center DescriptionTRANSFORM: Beyond Pixels, Towards Radical AtomsWhereas today's mainstream Human Computer Inter…
LocationLinz, Austria DescriptionIn close cooperation with Professor Hiroshi Ishii and the Tangible Media group, the 2016 Ars Electronica F…
LocationUniversity of California, Irvine Description
LocationLondon, UK Description
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionShape displays render digital content as dynamic physical shapes. They enable multiple users to t…
LocationCooper Hewitt Museum, New YorkDescriptionImagine handling objects virtually and physically in real time, from thousands of miles aw…
LocationSan Jose, CA DescriptionOur vision-driven design research is carried out through an artistic approach. Whereas today's mainstream H…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-244 DescriptionDesigners of interactive products have long sought to match form with function. The physical affo…
LocationLinz, Austria DescriptionHiroshi Ishii will mentor the Future Innovators Summit during the Ars Electronica Festival with Robert Mad…
LocationMIT Media Lab, Bartos Theater E15-070 DescriptionLighting, and its emergence as a digital and networked medium, represents an ideal…
LocationSanta Clara, CA Description
LocationSalone Del Mobile, Milan DescriptionLexus International will unveil the Tangible Media group's exhibit, "TRANSFORM," as part of the…
How to Love and Criticize Technology at the Same Time: Jaron Lanier in conversation with Ken Perlin, Hiroshi Ishii, and Pattie Maes.
LocationMirage Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada Description
LocationAspen, CO DescriptionTo create tomorrow's inventions, we must transcend what is recognizable and comfortable. To create new paths w…
LocationCannes, FR Description
LocationPark Plaza Victoria, London DescriptionTechnology has moved beyond simply transforming how we live. We are entering an era where te…
LocationMIT Media Lab (E14-648), Silverman Skyline room DescriptionGrowing populations, an increasing middle-class, and rapid urbanization …
Description Additional Featured Research ByTangible Media (Unpublished) Things That Think
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionProfessor Naimark's presentation is available online.[click link to view in your browser; right c…
LocationE14-633 DescriptionTangible Media as an area has not explored how the tangible handle is more than a marker or place-holder for dig…
LocationMIT Media Lab Description