This is a collection of smaller projects currently being pursued by the Synthetic Characters group. (1) C4.3 is the latest iteration of our…
The ability to display and perceive emotion is a key component in intelligent behavior. Emotion helps to guide both human and animal behavi…
In this project we are seeking to define a unique new approach to the challenges of artificial intelligence, one that draws its inspiration…
This installation features the animated character Max T. Rat (Dobie's cousin). Max is the first autonomous, animated character that can be …
C2 (and its derivatives) is the core software tool kit being developed by Synthetic Characters to support all of our work. C2 is an integra…
AlphaWolf presents a synthetic wolf pack comprised of autonomous and semi-autonomous wolves who interact with each other much as real wolve…
In this installation you play the role of a shepherd who must herd a bunch of sheep with attitude through a course using Duncan H. Terrier …
We are in the third year of a multi-year project to see how close we can come to building a synthetic canine whose everyday common sense, a…
This work has a double focus. First, considerable research has centered on designing computer tools and interfaces, "smart rooms," and comp…
Sand:stone is a piece developed for the 7th Annual New York Digital Salon and subsequent installation in galleries across Europe. The physi…
The SCOOT Behavior system is a rich and flexible behavior architecture for constructing directable autonomous animated characters. Derived …
Expressive interactive characters call for expressive camera and lighting control. To show off our digital actors to best advantage, we are…
Joysticks are a natural interface for controlling F-11s. Mice and keyboards suffice for document preparation. But what is the right interfa…
(void*) is a virtual lounge that unites the physical and digital, allowing people and a cast of virtual characters to interact with each ot…
Swamped! is an interactive experience in which instrumented plush toys are used as a tangible, iconic interface for directing autonomous a…