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SilverStringers is a community-centric approach to news coverage and presentation, tapping into the strength of the older generation to dev…
Learning is rooted in people and culture and bears fruit through the construction process, with shoots that branch into new areas. These pr…
We design and evaluate an ambient blood glucose level visualization and feedback system that uses an Ambient Orb for diabetes self-care and…
M-Views is a system for the development and deployment of context-aware mobile cinematic narratives. Designed around a generic messaging fr…
The saying, "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it" may be appropriate for stress. Many people are unaware of their stress level, an…
Every Sign of Life challenges assumptions about how we might think and feel about personal health monitoring. It is an exploration of how t…
Storytelling Engines are computer programs that manipulate media objects based on their knowledge of content, rules for story progression, …
To adapt this vision for video to the rapidly evolving Internet, we are developing an architecture for the Shareable Media project which is…
The skin is a versatile organ, capable of fine temporal and spatial discriminations. Touch is considered by many to be the most important o…
We created a computational construction kit for the blind and visually impaired by modifying the user interface of our Cricket programmable…
Affordable, easy-to-use digital video equipment, widely available high-bandwidth connectivity, and the variability of distributed networks …
SilverWire is a tool for increasing socialization and augmenting communication among communities that actively publish content on the World…