
Neural interface technology for advanced prosthetic limbs

Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT


Magnetomicrometry: Tissue Length Tracking via Implanted Magnetic Beads

C. Taylor, Magnetomicrometry : Tissue length tracking via implanted magnetic beads (2020).


Low-latency tracking of multiple permanent magnets

C. R. Taylor, H. G. Abramson, and H. M. Herr, “Low-Latency Tracking of Multiple Permanent Magnets,” IEEE Sensors Journal, pp. 1–11, 2019.


On prosthetic control: A regenerative agonist-antagonist myoneural interface

S. S. Srinivasan, M. J. Carty, P. W. Calvaresi, T. R. Clites, B. E. Maimon, C. R. Taylor, A. N. Zorzos, H. Herr, On prosthetic control : A regenerative agonist-antagonist myoneural interface, 2, eaan2971 (2017).


A murine model of a novel surgical architecture for proprioceptive muscle feedback and its potential application to control of advanced limb

Clites TR, Carty MJ, Srinivasan S, Zorzos AN, Herr HM. J Neural Eng. 2017 EPub Feb 17;14(3):036002.


Transdermal optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation

Maimon BE, Zorzos AN, Bendell R, Harding A, Fahmi M, Srinivasan S, Calvaresi P, Herr HM. J Neural Eng. 2017 Feb 3;14(3): 034002