

Jimmy Day

DayDreamNight was a gathering organized for the MIT community to explore projects produced in collaboration between CAST Visiting Artist Carsten Höller and MIT’s Fluid Interfaces group. Dream altering toothpaste, inflatable pajamas, a live sleeper and more were there for people to experience. We showed dream incubation device prototypes and displayed recordings of dreams as evidence to be measured and directly felt. We offered dream altering foods, teas to alter circadian cycles, and a public discussion between sleep scientist Dr. Robert Stickgold, art historian Professor Caroline Jones, and artist Carsten Höller on the possibilities for collaborative art and science to open up avenues for understanding and shifting our sleep, dreams, and daydreams. See a video of our exhibition here. See the exhibition catalogue here.

This exhibition was put on in collaboration with the MIT Museum Studio, and created with support from MIT CAST and MIT CAMIT.  Prototypes created through this collaboration have since been shown at events at the V&A Museum and LUMA Arles.