When an automated car harms someone, who is blamed by those who hear about it? In this project, we asked participants to conside…
Machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic, and …
We must proactively tackle the economic, social, and societal implications that accompany the widespread deployment of AI technology. In se…
Burning Man is a magical place that gets the best of human creativity and collaboration to flourish. To further understand what makes this …
Nostalgia BoxA deep learning visualization of your own memoriesBy Aubrey Simonson Commissioned by Manuel Cebrian and Iyad RahwanNostal…
Becoming Someone is a multi-modal concept that lives across Medium, Instagram, and human minds. It is comprised of The Ever Contracting Voi…
What would your city look like after a disaster? Deep Empathy is a collaboration between the Scalable Coopera…
People often say that we live in a small world. In a brilliant experiment, legendary social psychologist Stanley Milgram proved the six deg…
In 2009, DARPA launched the Network Challenge to explore the roles the Internet and social networking play in the timely communication, wid…
Deep Angel is an artificial intelligence that erases objects from photographs. The algorithm is hosted on http://deepangel.media.mit.e…
We present Norman, world's first psychopath AI. Norman was inspired by the fact that the data used to teach a machine learning algorithm ca…
TuringBox is a platform that makes it easier for social and behavioral scientists to study Artificial Intelligence algorithms. It…
Measuring Cooperation at Scale
There are over one million registered charities in the United States alone, and many more worldwide. How do you choose among them? MyG…
Political constitutions describe the fundamental principles by which nation-states are governed, the political and legal state institutions…
Project website: shelley.ai Human-AI collaborated stories: stories.shelley.ai Follow @shelley_ai to collaborate wi…
The problem of ethical decision making presents a grand challenge for modern AI research. Arguably the main obstacle to automating et…
Emotional content is an important part of language. There are many use cases now showing that natural language processing is becoming an in…
Opinion aggregation on social media uses various mechanisms, such as "Likes" or thumbs-up/-down, which handle a single item at a time. In …
Climate change is going to alter the environments that we depend on in myriad ways. We're using data to identify and quantify these potenti…
Recent rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning have raised many questions about the regulatory and governance m…
Should workers worry about automation and AI?Many workers, policy makers, and researchers are asking themselves exactly this question. But …
For centuries, across geographies, religions, and cultures, people try to innovate ways of scaring each other. Creating a visceral emotion …
This work is being continued through The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT.This project will support …
The Moral Machine is a platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence, such as self-driving car…
The Honest Crowds project addresses shortcomings of traditional survey techniques in the modern information and big data age. Web survey pl…
Cooperation in a large society of self-interested individuals is notoriously difficult to achieve when the externality of one individual's …
Since Alan Turing envisioned Artificial Intelligence (AI), a major driving force behind technical progress has been competition with human …
There is a wide cultural belief in the power of the Internet and social media as enablers of collective intelligence. They help us spread i…
This work is being continued through The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT.Adoption of self-driving, …
The Internet has unleashed the capacity for planetary-scale collective problem solving (also known as crowdsourcing). However, the very ope…