
ReImagining Mobility: Designing a zero commuting future




ReImagining Mobility: Designing Zero-Commuting Cities is an event welcoming thought leaders in transportation, urban planning, and policy and decision making to address the latest challenges and opportunities in urban mobility. Leadership from Mubil and the MIT City Science team will present on topics related to high-performing walkable districts, autonomous micro-mobility solutions,  mobility simulations, and the challenges of mobility in informal regions. Participants will take inspiration to reimagine the current and proposed mobility systems in Gipuzkoa, as well as the region’s access to amenities and walkability.

MUBIL offers a shared commitment which seeks to turn Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country into global industry reference points in new mobility. This is a MUBIL event and the MIT City Science team is the featured guest.

Main Stage Presentations:

9:00am to 11:00am CET 

~Ane Insausti, General Manager of the Mubil Foundation, Shall we move the future together?

~Kent Larson, Director of MIT City Science, Keynote Speech, City Science: Developing a new urban model to meet the great challenges of our time

~Luis Alonso, Research Scientist at MIT City Science, Decision-making in transportation

~Jaime Menéndez, Researcher at IVCn, Development of sustainable mobility in the Basque Country

~Naroa Correti Sánchez, PhD Candidate at MIT City Science, Ultra-lightweight autonomous vehicles

~Roman Orús, Founding Member and Scientific Director of Multiverse Computing, Quantum computing for mobility

~Thomas Sanchez Lengeling, Research Scientist at MIT City Science, Individual collective transport

~Andoni Medina, Associate Professor, Vehicle Dynamics Engineer and PhD at Tecnun, The Importance of Vehicle Dynamics in New Mobility

~Gabriela Bílá, Researcher at MIT City Science, Art and Motion

~Maitane Iruretagoyena, Researcher at MIT City Science, Mobility within Informality




12:00pm to 2:00pm CET 

Coordinated by MIT City Science:

The MIT City Science team will work with representatives of the MUBIL ecosystem to propose new lightweight mobility modes and systems that enable more livable and human-centric communities.  Workshop participants will work in four tracks:

Workshop participants will be led through a brainstorming process led by MIT City Science team members and Mubil leadership to determine creative new solutions and systems with potential impact in the Basque country, in Europe, and beyond.

  • Multi-functional and transformable vehicle design
  • Agile fleets with lightweight infrastructure
  • Data-based systems 
  • Walkable districts


ReImagining Mobility - Mubil

This event will be held in person in San Sebastian, Spain and it is by invitation only. For more information or to RSVP, please email Margaret Church: mdchurch@media.mit.edu

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