Tourism is Cuba’s third largest source of foreign currency, behind the two dominant industries of sugar and tobacco. The number of visitors so far in 2016 jumped 13.5 percent over the year to 1.5 million tourists. However, the hunt for novelty in Cuba doesn’t conceal its disquieting poverty and struggles: lack of regulation on sex work, ungovernable black markets and creaky infrastructure. Everyday in Havana, we inevitably enjoyed the material comforts like all the other tourists while investigating the power relations of the nation as the artists.
This project calls attention to the actions of each individual, using the nation’s subsidized, soft, sweet, round daily buns as the vehicle. Made of imported flour, sugar, dry yeast and water, the daily bun tastes nothing but pale flour. Collaborating with IFF (International Flavor and Fragrance), we designed the bread with a complete flavor that balances the nuances of gasoline, sweat and white ginger flower (the national flower of Cuba).