
Generative AI for Personalized Learning & Self-Development


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Putting Things into Context: Generative AI-Enabled Context Personalization for Vocabulary Learning Improves Learning Motivation

Joanne Leong, Pat Pataranutaporn, Valdemar Danry, Florian Perteneder, Yaoli Mao, and Pattie Maes. 2024. Putting Things into Context: Generative AI-Enabled Context Personalization for Vocabulary Learning Improves Learning Motivation. In CHI'24. May 11-16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York NY, USA, 15 pages.


Using Generative AI to Cultivate Positive Emotions and Mindsets for Self-Development and Learning

Leong, Joanne. "Using Generative AI to Cultivate Positive Emotions and Mindsets for Self-Development and Learning." XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 29.3 (2023): 52-56.


AI-Generated Virtual Instructors Based on Liked or Admired People Can Improve Motivation and Foster Positive Emotions for Learning

P. Pataranutaporn* J. Leong*, V. Danry*, A. Lawson, P. Maes, M. Sra. 2022. *Co-first authorship ”AI-Generated Virtual Instructors Based on Liked or Admired People Can Improve Motivation and Foster Positive Emotions for Learning” to appear in FIE 2022, October 8-11, Uppsala, Sweden.