Climate Intelligence focuses on the integration of cutting-edge technologies and systems thinking to address critical climate challenges.
Advances in emerging technologies such as satellite Earth observation, AI predictive modeling, and advanced data visualizations are empowering individuals, communities, and decision-makers with the agency to take informed climate & sustainability-related decisions. By combining hyperlocal data insights with a complex systems thinking approach, our goal is to unlock innovative opportunities, shape data-driven policies, and drive equitable economic change to co-create impactful climate solutions.
The climate crisis is an urgent and escalating challenge, threatening ecosystems, biodiversity, and human livelihoods. Rising temperatures, severe weather events, and resource depletion are disrupting societies on a global scale. Advances in AI, machine learning, and satellite Earth observation now offer powerful tools to address these challenges. As part of the MIT Media Lab's Future Worlds Research Theme, Climate Intelligence harnesses these innovations to combine technology, policy, and human behavior for meaningful impact, ensuring a sustainable future for all.