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Brigada forestal FEMAF - FEMAF's Forest Firefighters

Person People
Maitane Iruretagoyena
Technical Associate 1
Person People
Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor
Research Scientist
Person People
Leticia Izquierdo Garcia
Graduate Student
Past Member
Person People
Guadalupe Babio Fernandez
Former Research Assistant
Person People
Kent Larson
Professor of the Practice

Other Contributors

Recursos de la Brigada Voluntaria FEMAF - Resources of the FEMAF Volunteer Brigade

Fundadores – Instructores voluntarios - Founders - Volunteer Instructors

1.    Sergio Armando Villela Gaytan 

2.    Ángel Ramírez Godínez

3.    Luis Armando Aldana González

Brigradistas Voluntarios - Volunteer Brigradists

4.    Evangelina Martínez Moran

5.    Rogelio García Sandoval

6.    María de Lourdes Mauro Jiménez

7.    María Eduwiges Lucio Rangel

8.    Eduardo Alan Torres Sánchez

9.    Alam Fernando Aceves Aldrete

10. Jesús Alejandro Guerrero Herrera

11. Alicia Verónica Salas Partida

12. Paola Alejandra Corona Hernández

13. Miriam Alejandra Andalon Alvarez

14. Johny Romero Correa

15. Iovvanny Macías Peña

16. María del Rocío Sara Mota Vázquez

17. Luis Alberto Lares García

18. Aketzalli Nayely Camarena Hernández

19. Lizett Carolina Núñez Carrillo

20. Santiago Cortés Vázquez

21. Luis Francisco Meza Adame

22. José de Jesús García Montoya

23. Ana Gabriela Cabrera

24. Úrsula Berenice García Herrera

25. Yair Uriel Ricardez Díaz

26. Cesar Hernández Castro

27. Agustín Cruz López

28. Juan Antonio Plazola Ruiz