
Behavioral Indications of Depression Severity


Feasibility and Acceptability of the Empatica E4 Sensor to Passively Assess Physiological Symptoms of Depression

Meyer, A. K., Fedor, S., Ghandeharioun, A., Mischoulon, D., Picard, R. & Pedrelli, P. (2020). Feasibility and Acceptability of the Empatica E4 Sensor to Passively Assess Physiological Symptoms of Depression. ABCT.


Location Patterns from Phone Sensors May Help Predict Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Pilot Study

Howe, E., Ghandeharioun, A., Pedrelli, P., Mischoulon, D., Picard, R., Fedor, S. "Location Patterns from Phone Sensors May Help Predict Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Pilot Study," Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention – Tech SIG, San Diego, CA, November 2017.


Integrating EMA, clinical assessment and wearable sensors to examine the association between MDD and alcohol use

Pedrelli, P., Howe, E., Mischoulon, D., Picard, R., Ghandeharioun, A., Fedor, S."Integrating EMA, clinical assessment and wearable sensors to examine the association between MDD and alcohol use," Connected Health Conference, Boston, MA, October 2017.


Objective assessment of depressive symptoms with machine learning and wearable sensors data

Ghandeharioun, A., Fedor, S., Sangermano, L., Ionescu, D., Alpert, J., Dale, C., Sontag, D., Picard, R. "Objective assessment of depressive symptoms with machine learning and wearable sensors data," International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), San Antonio, Texas, October 2017.


Location Variability from Commodity Phone Sensors Is Negatively Associated with Self-Reported Depression Score: A Pilot Study

Ghandeharioun, A., Fedor, S., Sangermano, L., Alpert, J., Dale, C., Ionescu, D., Picard, R. "Location Variability from Commodity Phone Sensors Is Negatively Associated with Self-Reported Depression Score: A Pilot Study," Association for Psychological Science (APS) annual convention, Boston, May 2017.


Incoming Cell Phone Data as a Potential Predictor of Depression Severity: A Pilot Study

Sangermano, L., Ghandeharioun, A., Picard, R., Alpert, J., Dale, C., Fedor, S., Ionescu, D. "Incoming Cell Phone Data as a Potential Predictor of Depression Severity: A Pilot Study," Anxiety and Depression Conference (ADAA), San Fransisco, April 2017.


Objective vs. Subjective Reports of Sleep Quality in Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot Study

Ghandeharioun, A., Sangermano, L., Picard, R., Alpert, J., Dale, C., Ionescu, D., Fedor, S. "Objective vs. Subjective Reports of Sleep Quality in Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot Study," Anxiety and Depression Conference (ADAA), San Fransisco, April 2017.