BBC: New tech lets submarines 'email' planes
Fox News: Submarine breakthrough: MIT develops wireless system to let subs communicate with planes
Smithsonian: How Wireless Water-to-Air Communication Could Revolutionize Marine Research
Popular Mechanics: Clever New Tech Could Let Subs and Planes Talk Directly
IEEE Spectrum: MIT Researchers Develop Seamless Underwater-to-Air Communication System
CNET: MIT finally figures out how to get planes and submarines to communicate
Engadget: MIT finds a way for submarines to talk directly to airplanes
MIT News [Cover page]: Wireless communication breaks through water-air barrier
National Academy of Engineering (WTOP Radio): Sea-air Communications
National Science Foundation (Science 360): Wireless communication breaks through water-air barrier
Yahoo! News: MIT invents a way to allow submerged submarines to speak to airplanes
Slashdot: New Tech Lets Submarines 'Email' Planes
Reddit: MIT Media Lab Researchers Develop Wireless Underwater to Air Communications
Interesting Engineering: Water-Air Communications Barrier Broken by MIT Researchers
ExtremeTech: MIT Develops Water-to-Air Wireless Communication
ECNmag: Wireless Communication Breaks Through Water-Air Barrier
Futurism: Underwater and Airborne Craft Can Now Communicate Directly and Wirelessly
Digital Trends: MIT invents a way to allow submerged submarines to speak to airplanes
R&D Magazine: Wireless Communication Lets Subs Chat with Planes
SlashGear: MIT designs system that allows subs and aircraft to wirelessly communicate
Firstpost: MIT Researchers Break Water-Air Barrier So Submarines Can Talk to Airplanes
Science Alert: Finally, Scientists Have Figured Out How to Send Messages From Submarines to Planes
New Atlas: MIT system lets planes and subs communicate wirelessly