
Tangible Media paper most cited of ACM SIGCHI


Photo by Faded_Gallery on Unsplash

Photo by Faded_Gallery on Unsplash

The Tangible Media group's CHI '97 paper is the most cited paper of ACM SIGCHI. The paper, "Tangible bits: towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms," is authored by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, head of Tangible Media, and Brygg Ullmer. Dr. Brygg Ullmer is currently the Chair of the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Division and Professor within the School of Computing at Clemson University, where he also leads the Tangible Visualization group.

The second most cited paper is "Social information filtering: algorithms for automating 'word of mouth'" from CHI '95, authored by Upendra Shardanand and Professor Pattie Maes, head of the Fluid Interfaces group.

About this accomplishment, Professor Ishii said, "The Media Lab has been at the forefront of HCI for more than half a century, since the era of the Architecture Machine Group. I hope we can continue that legacy for the next 100 years. "


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