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Wei-Tung Chen

Graduate Student (EECS)
  • Signal Kinetics

I am an EECS PhD student at the Signal Kinetics Group, working on battery-free localization research, e.g. RFID localization and underwater localization. I received my bachelor’s and Master's degree at MIT, and my research interests focus on IOT, AI, and robotics. 

I loves doing hands-on work that can bring my ideas to solve real-world challenges. I spent most of my extracurricular time engaging in various projects, developing novel solutions, and deploying them to the field. This led me to found Nexuni, Co., a startup dedicated to developing automation systems for facility management and manufacturing industry. 

Research Interests

Localization, IOT, Robotics, Machine Learning

B.S. 2021  MIT
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

M.Eng. 2023  MIT
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science