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Every day, data about our environment, education, routes, and other aspects of our lives become available. Yet most people often struggle t…
BigBarChart is an immersive, 3D bar chart that provides a new physical way for people to interact with data. It takes data beyond visualiza…
This project investigates soft mechanisms, origami, and fashion. We created a modified Miura-fold skirt that changes shape through pneumati…
The Open Water Data project explores data physicalization as a path to community engagement and action on important environmental issues. F…
ArtBoat is a tool for communities to make collaborative light paintings in public spaces and reimagine the future of their cities. &n…
Two of the most important traits of environmental hazards today are their invisibility and the fact that they are experienced by communitie…
This project steps beyond data visualizations to create data experiences. It aims to engage not only the analytic mind, but also the artist…