Judith Donath, Alex Dragulescu, Aaron Zinman, Fernanda Viégas, Rebecca Xiong
Liu, C. "Urbanhermes: Fashion Signaling and the Social Mobility of Images"
Boyd, D. "Faceted Id/entity: Managing representation in a digital world"
Assogba, Y. "Creative Networks: Socio-Technical Systems for Loosely Bound Cooperation"
Golder, S. "Webbed Footnotes: Collaborative Annotation on the Web"
Fiore, A. "Romantic Regressions: An Analysis of Behavior in Online Dating Systems"
Zinman, A. "RadioActive: Enabling Large-Scale Asynchronous Audio Discussions on Mobile Devices"
Perry, E. "Anthropomorphic Visualization: Depicting Participants in Online Spaces Using the Human Form"
Viegas, F. "Revealing Individual and Collective Pasts: Visualizations of Online Social Archives"
Telhan, O. "Social Sensing and Its Display"
Zinman, A. "Me, Myself, and My Hyperego: Understanding People through the Aggregation of Their Digital Footprints"
Dobson, K. "AgoraPhone"
Dragulescu, A. "Data Portraits: Aesthetics and Algorithms"
Lam, F. "CHEIRO: Creating Expressive Textual Communication and Anthropomorphic Typography"
Lee, H. "Socio-Kinetics: Visualizing Impressions of People Behavior through Motion"
Harry, D. "Algorithmic Architecture in Virtual Spaces"
Offenhuber, D. "Transformative Copy"
Karahalios, K. "Social Catalysts: enhancing communication in mediated spaces"