Join host Tod Machover at the MIT Media Lab on Saturday, November 17 from 1-4pm for a symposium exploring the life and work of composer Arnold Schoenberg and the story behind the World Premiere of Machover's newest opera, Schoenberg in Hollywood, in collaboration with Boston Lyric Opera. Includes gallery reception in the Media Lab's special exhibition about the project.
Click here to watch the live stream from 1-3pm.
Karole Armitage, Theatrical Director, Schoenberg in Hollywood
Joseph Auner, Austin Fletcher Professor of Music, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences, Tufts
Jeremy Eichler, Public Scholar, National Endowment for the Humanities
Tod Machover, Composer, Schoenberg in Hollywood, Muriel R. Cooper Professor of Music and Media, MIT Media Lab
Esther Nelson, Stanford Calderwood General & Artistic Director of Boston Lyric Opera
Anne Shreffler, James Edward Ditson Professor of Music, Department of Music, Harvard
Welcome and Introductions
Tod Machover and Esther Nelson
Pathways from the Media Lab to Schoenberg in Hollywood
Anne Shreffler and Tod Machover
Schoenberg’s Autobiographical Compulsions
Joseph Auner and Tod Machover
Schoenberg’s American Contexts
Jeremy Eichler and Tod Machover
The Score: Style and Ideas, Quotations, and Electronics
Joseph Auner, Anne Shreffler, and Tod Machover
The Production: Staging, Multimedia, and Performance
Karole Armitage and Tod Machover
Closing Remarks: Tod Machover
Schoenberg in Hollywood Exhibition tour and reception to follow until 4:00pm.
Please be aware that finding parking near the Media Lab is difficult due to construction. It's a possibility you may find metered parking on Ames Street. Otherwise, the closest available garages are Kendall Square Yellow or Green Garages.