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Minoo Rathnasabapathy joins Panel Discussion: Building Our Off-World Future




May 29, 2020
3:00pm — 4:00pm ET

Recorded Panel Discussion: Building Our Off-World Future

Join an ethicist, an astronaut, and an engineer for a spirited discussion about the return to human spaceflight and how close we are to building a sustainable civilization beyond Earth.


  • Sandra Magnus, OSD, Undersecretary for Research and Engineering
  • Kathryn Denning, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, York University
  • Minoo Rathnasabapathy, Research Engineer, Space Enabled, MIT Media Lab
  • Kathy Laurini, HLS Payload and Commercialization Lead, Dynetics Technical Solutions

Session Objectives

  1. Dealing with the inherent human challenges – both physiological and psychological – to living and working off-Earth.
  2. Technical and design solutions needed to expand off of planet Earth to other worlds.
  3. Our ethical responsibility as this journey unfolds, and how we ensure we meet it.

But the Best News of All…

This panel discussion is part of a new series of online events powered by ASCEND—the new, global platform for innovation that’s accelerating space commerce and new discoveries.

In future sessions like this, ASCEND will give you the chance to:

  • See the impact of new research across government, civil, and commercial
  • Hear how domestic and foreign policies are affecting the space economy
  • Build new partnerships that can help you achieve your business goals

Make sure you register now. That way, you’ll receive an email with a link to the recording afterwards—even if you don’t attend the session!

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