NTT DATA Digital/Innovation Team - The Media Lab Online Session
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Please contact NTT DATA Liaisons to obtain a password.
Disclaimer for playback viewers
As part of the MIT Media Lab’s ongoing research on distance learning (MOOC, e-learning) and remote collaboration, we will extract the attendance logs (for participation rates), hourly trends, and data pertaining to text-based feedback. Before this information is analyzed, it will be encoded in a manner that ensures the participants’ anonymity. Data collection began in October under our Pilot Program and is expected to continue until the end of December of 2020.
The data extracted from this study will only include the aggregated data of groups of individuals who have participated in the session under the same conditions, and it will not connect specific individuals with particular interactions. The data will be analyzed after all data uniquely identifying individuals has been encoded to prevent such identification. The final results of the analysis will be published in an academic journal, and will be used for the planning and implementation of future virtual/remote events by the MIT Media Lab, with the goal of producing more interactive sessions that allow for an even higher engagement level.
We seek your understanding that, by viewing the video below, you shall be deemed to have consented to the use of the data collected for our research purposes. We greatly appreciate your kind assistance with this project.