
Jennifer A. Lewis: "Printing Functional Materials"

February 27, 2012


MIT Media Lab, E14-633


The ability to pattern functional materials in planar and three-dimensional forms is of critical importance for several emerging applications, including energy harvesting, self-healing materials, and tissue engineering scaffolds. Direct-write assembly enables one to rapidly design and fabricate materials in arbitrary shapes without the need for expensive tooling, dies, or lithographic masks. Recent advances in microscale printing will be highlighted, including omnidirectional printing of flexible microelectrodes, pen-on-paper electronics, conformal printing of 3D electrically small antennas, and printed origami of lightweight metallic and ceramic structures. Ongoing efforts to scale up our filamentary printing approach to enable manufacturing of large 3D structures will also be highlighted.


Dr. Jennifer A. Lewis earned a Sc.D. in ceramic science from MIT in 1991. She joined the faculty of the materials science and engineering department at UIUC in 1990, where she is currently appointed as the Hans Thurnauer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and serves as the director of the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory. She received the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow Award (1994), the Brunaeur Award from the American Ceramic Society (2003), the Langmuir Lecture Award from the American Chemical Society (2009), and was named a fellow of the American Ceramic Society (2005), the American Physical Society (2007), and the Materials Research Society (2011). She has served on the editorial advisory boards of Langmuir and Soft Matter. She has made pioneering contributions to the directed assembly of soft functional materials. Her work has been published in Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and many other journals, and has resulted in seven patents to date. Her work has also been broadly featured in the popular media, including The Economist, Technology Review, Scientific American, New Scientist, and Chemical and Engineering News. For more information on Professor Lewis' research group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, visit: http://colloids.matse.illinois.edu/.

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