
Meet the 2019 class of Young Global Leaders

By Mariah Levin

Earlier this year, the Edelman Trust Barometer reported that only 20% of people feel that current economic and social systems are working towards their interests. In a similar vein, a recent World Economic Forum survey on globalizationuncovered a widespread belief that government-driven initiatives, such as law and regulation, are failing to generate sufficient opportunities. An urgent yearning for new direction has marked the start of 2019.

The Forum of Young Global Leaders, the World Economic Forum’s foundation for remarkable leaders under 40, was founded to fuel new models of leadership. Every year, our organization seeks out changemakers with the grit, foresight and potential to improve the state of the world. We look for individuals who reflect global diversity, innovate to promote public interest, and value authentic exchanges towards public-private cooperation. Our team invites them to join a five-year programme, cultivating generosity of spirit and the recognition that the world can only mirror our hopes if we work together.

Today, we are proud and excited to share the names of these individuals. We are eager to learn with and from them as they join a community seeking to increase more widely-shared and sustainable, opportunities for everyone.

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