Sundeep Jolly, Nickolaos Savidis, Bianca Datta, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Daniel Smalley
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March 7, 2016
Sundeep Jolly, Nickolaos Savidis, Bianca Datta, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Daniel Smalley
Waveguide holography refers to the use of holographic techniques for the control of guided-wave light in integrated optical devices (e.g., off-plane grating couplers and in-plane distributed Bragg gratings for guided-wave optical filtering). Off-plane computer-generated waveguide holography (CGWH) has also been employed in the generation of simple field distributions for image display. We have previously depicted the design and fabrication of a binary-phase CGWH operating in the Raman-Nath regime for the purposes of near-to-eye 3-D display and as a precursor to a dynamic, transparent flat-panel guided-wave holographic video display. In this paper, we describe design algorithms and fabrication techniques for multilevel phase CGWHs for near-to-eye 3-D display.