Back in December 2022, we ran a series of weekly social hours for library professionals trying out our Self-guided Mini Course. In one of the conversations, the topic of plastic trash from library creative programming came up. One librarian mentioned that she was saddened to see that at then end of a creative STEAM workshop, the trash bin had become the final receptacle for many of the creations that patrons had happily made.
That emotion stuck with me. I wondered, what could librarians do to inspire people to use less plastic and create less trash?
- Could we maybe adapt or remix some of our PLIX activities to be more earth-friendly, to have creations that people would enjoying keeping?
- How can PLIX foster more joy to encourage patrons to keep their creations, and also bring more satisfaction to librarians who put so much heart into these library programs?
So, in preparation for Earth Day 2023, I had a series of conversations with Lissette Gonzalez, of Berkeley Public Library, who was there at the social hour. (Check out one of our early conversations here.) We brainstormed different ways to remix creative STEAM activities to be more sustainable, came up with two ideas, and co-facilitated a workshop together mid-April to share these two strategies below.