Looking for children ages 8-12 for a study on improving self-esteem.
($15 Amazon gift card!)
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MIT Media Lab
Nataliya Kosmyna
April 16, 2019
Looking for children ages 8-12 for a study on improving self-esteem.
($15 Amazon gift card!)
The Fluid Interfaces group at the MIT Media Lab is looking for children ages 8-12 to participate in a new study. We are testing how self-esteem, creativity, motivation, and performance on certain tasks might be improved by using a wearable device that detects brain activity and informs the user about it.
Your child will be given a set of math and reading problems of different difficulty levels. You and your child will be asked a few questions before and after the session takes place. You will be invited to the lab together with your child to participate in the study which will take 45-60 minutes.
You will receive a $15 Amazon gift card as a thank-you for your participation.
Please email Nataliya Kosmyna (nkosmyna@media.mit.edu) if you are interested or have any questions.
Feel free to contact us even if you and your child have already participated in this study.
Thank you very much!