
The Poetry of Science project highlights two Media Lab students


Chia Evers

Chia Evers

The Poetry of Science project, supported by the Cambridge Arts Council Art for Racial Justice Grant and directed by MIT alum Joshua Sariñana, profiles several MIT students, two of whom are students at the Media Lab: Huili Chen (research assistant in the Personal Robots group) and Shannon Johnson (research assistant in the Synthetic Neurobiology group).

The project pairs local poets of color with local scientists of color to create original poetry about the scientists’ work and experiences. Portraits of the scientists have been created and are presented alongside the poetry. Soon, the portraits and poetry will be exhibited in Kendall Square and in the lobby of Mass General in collaboration with The People’s HeART.

Visit the gallery page for photo series statements, portraits, and poems.

Read an MIT News article about the project.

Huili Chen


Vanessa Leroy (@vanessaleroyphoto)

Shannon Johnson


Vanessa Leroy (@vanessaleroyphoto)

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