
Pattie Maes reaches 500 peer-reviewed accepted papers


Pattie Maes

Pattie Maes

Congratulations to Professor Pattie Maes, head of the Fluid Interfaces research group, on reaching 500 peer-reviewed accepted papers in her lifetime. Her latest papers accepted to the upcoming 2023 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) have allowed her to achieve this milestone.

Maes is a professor within MIT's Program in Media Arts and Sciences. The Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces research group, which she leads, produces research at the intersection of human computer interaction and artificial intelligence with a focus on applications in health, wellbeing, and learning. Maes is also a faculty member in MIT's center for Neuro-Biological Engineering. She is particularly interested in the topic of cognitive enhancement, or how wearable, immersive and brain-computer interface systems can actively assist people with issues such as memory, attention, learning, decision making, communication, wellbeing, and sleep.

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