The LEGO Papert Fellowships, endowed by the LEGO Foundation, are intended to honor the legacy and extend the work of Seymour Papert, one of the founding faculty members of the Media Lab and a pioneer in the development and study of new technologies to support playful, creative learning.
"Seymour Papert’s ideas have had a profound impact on learning and education projects at the Media Lab — and around the world! It’s great to welcome a new set of LEGO Papert Fellows who are building on Seymour’s ideas," says Mitchel Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, who worked closely with Papert for many years and leads the selection process for the LEGO Papert Fellows.
The new LEGO Papert Fellows will serve for the 2024-2025 academic year, and will spend one week at LEGO headquarters in Denmark during the fall semester to share ideas and collaborate on projects.
"This year's fellows are making significant contributions with their unique voices to the symphony of youth protagonism. They are weaving together a melody that echoes the diverse voices and perspectives of our future, and it is a pleasure to support and amplify the work of these rising leaders," says Ole Kjær Thomasen, Design Specialist at the LEGO Foundation.