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Past Member

Kyung Yun Choi

Former Research Assistant

The Stranger -........ -.-..- -. –...-.

Kyung Yun Choi and Hiroshi Ishii. 2023. The Stranger -........ -.-..- -. –...-. In Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 74–76. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563703.3596648


Modulating Interoceptive Signals for Influencing the Conscious Experience


Design and Evaluation of a Clippable and Personalizable Pneumatic-haptic Feedback Device for Breathing Guidance

Kyung Yun Choi, Neska ElHaouij, Jinmo Lee, Rosalind W. Picard, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2022. Design and Evaluation of a Clippable and Personalizable Pneumatic-haptic Feedback Device for Breathing Guidance. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 6, 1, Article 6 (March 2022), 36 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3517234


aSpire: Clippable, Mobile Pneumatic-Haptic Device for Breathing Rate Regulation via Personalizable Tactile Feedback

Kyung Yun Choi, Jinmo Lee, Neska El Haouij, Rosalind W. Picard, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2021. aSpire: Clippable, Mobile Pneumatic-Haptic Device for Breathing Rate Regulation via Personalizable Tactile Feedback. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended Abstracts), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.


Therms-Up!: DIY Inflatables and Interactive Materials by Upcycling Wasted Thermoplastic Bags

Kyung Yun Yun Choi and Hiroshi Ishii. 2021. Therms-Up!: DIY Inflatables and Interactive Materials by Upcycling Wasted Thermoplastic Bags. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 51, 1–8. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3430524.3442457


reSpire: Self-awareness and Interpersonal Connectedness through Shape-changing Fabric Display

Kyung Yun Choi, Valentina Sumini, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2019. ReSpire: Self-awareness and Interpersonal Connectedness through Shape-changing Fabric Display. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 449–454. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3325480.3329176


ambienBeat: Wrist-worn Mobile Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Rhythmic Regulation

Kyung Yun Choi, Hiroshi Ishii, ambienBeat:Wrist-worn Mobile Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Rhythmic Regulation, ACM TEI ’20,


Bubble Talk: Open-source interactive art toolkit for metaphor of modern digital chat

Choi, Kyung Yun, and Hiroshi Ishii. "Bubble Talk: Open-source Interactive Art Toolkit for Metaphor of Modern Digital Chat." Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. 2019.


Towards Personalized Medicine: The Evolution of Imperceptible Health-Care Technologies

Tasnim, F., Sadraei, A., Datta, B., Khan, M., Choi, K.Y., Sahasrabudhe, A., Alfonso Vega Galvez, T., Wicaksono, I., Rosello, O., Lopez, C., Dagdeviren. C.†, Foresight, 20(6), 589-601, 2018.


reMi: Translating Ambient Sounds of Moment into Tangible and Shareable Memories through Animated Paper

Kyung Yun Choi, Darle Shinsato, Shane Zhang, Ken Nakagaki, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2018. reMi: Translating Ambient Sounds of Moment into Tangible and Shareable Memories through Animated Paper. In The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings (UIST '18 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 84-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3266037.3266109