- Conformable Decoders
Yoonsoo Shin received his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University, South Korea. During his Ph.D., he focused on the development of advanced materials and methods for flexible and stretchable bioelectronics. He utilized stress engineering to enable the dry transfer printing of thin films, which were then used to fabricate various flexible sensors and thin-film batteries. In the area of soft materials, he explored the synthesis of conductive hydrogels incorporating diverse nanomaterials and developed methodologies for their patterning and integration with other materials. He also developed all-hydrogel integrated wearable devices capable of biosignal acquisition and delivering electrical stimulation on the skin.
His research interests lie in advancing soft, biocompatible materials and tissue-friendly devices for wearable and implantable applications. Through this work, he aims to realize next-generation bioelectronics that bridge the gap between biology and electronics, contributing to innovative and improved healthcare solutions.