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Past Member

Prashanth Vijayaraghavan

Former Research Assistant

Socially-Aware Machine Learning: Towards Leveraging the Relationship Between Narrative Comprehension and Mentalizing


Generating Black-Box Adversarial Examples for Text Classifiers Using a Deep Reinforced Model

Vijayaraghavan, Prashanth, and Deb Roy. "Generating Black-Box Adversarial Examples for Text Classifiers Using a Deep Reinforced Model." arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.07873 (2019).


Learning Personas from Dialogue with Attentive Memory Networks

Chu, Eric, Prashanth Vijayaraghavan, and Deb Roy. "Learning Personas from Dialogue with Attentive Memory Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08717 (2018).


Tweet2Vec: Learning Tweet Embeddings using Character-level CNN-LSTM Encoder-Decoder

Soroush Vosoughi*, Prashanth Vijayaraghavan*, Deb Roy


DeepStance at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Character and Word-Level CNNs

Prashanth Vijayaraghavan, Ivan Sysoev, Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy


Automatic identification of representative content on Twitter

Vijayaraghavan, Prashanth. Automatic identification of representative content on Twitter. Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.


Handwritten Tamil Recognition using a Convolutional Neural Network

Vijayaraghavan, Prashanth, and Misha Sra. "Handwritten Tamil Recognition using a Convolutional Neural Network.", NEML Poster 2015


Automatic Detection and Categorization of Election-Related Tweets

Prashanth Vijayaraghavan*, Soroush Vosoughi*, Deb Roy