- Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek
Marta Airaghi Leccardi is a Swiss National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow in the Nano-Cybernetic Biotreck group. Marta studied materials science at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland, completing her Bachelor degree with an internship at the University of South Australia. During her materials science Master studies, she went on an exchange year at EPFL in Switzerland, where she discovered her passion for microfabrication and neuroprosthetics. After obtaining her ETH Master degree in 2015, she continued her academic path with a Ph.D. project in microsystems at the EPFL center of neuroprosthetics, developing polymeric and stretchable visual implants for preclinical studies on artificial vision. Marta obtained her Ph.D. in May 2020 and is now dedicated to developing a selective and wireless neuronal stimulation device with sub-cellular resolution in 3D tissues.