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Don Derek Haddad

Lead Software Engineer for Lunar Imaging Payload

Development and user study of the Operational Geology in a Virtual Environment (OGIVE) platform

C. Paige, D.D. Haddad, Trent Piercy, J. Todd, F. Ward, A. Ekblaw, D. Newman. "Development and user study of the Operational Geology in a Virtual Environment (OGIVE) platform." Acta Astronautica, Volume 224, 2024, Pages 17-36, ISSN 0094-5765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.07.043.


Design and Fabrication of Multifunctional E-Textiles by Upcycling Waste Cotton Fabrics through Carbonization

Wicaksono, I., Maheshwari, A., Haddad, D.D., Paradiso, J., and Danielescu, A., 2024. Design and Fabrication of Multifunctional E-Textiles by Upcycling Waste Cotton Fabrics through Carbonization. In Proc. ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 8, 2, Article 45 (June 2024), 31 pages.


From UbiComp to Universe - Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications.

Ekblaw, A., Cherston, J., Liu, F., Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D. D., Sumini, V., & Paradiso, J. A. (2023). From UbiComp to Universe—Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing.


MIT Zero-G Outreach Initiative: using experiment design and virtual reality to inspire the next generation of space scientists and engineers

C. Paige, J, MacNeil, P. McGaffin, D.D. Haddad, F. Ward, and D. Newman. (2022) “MIT Zero-G Outreach Initiative: using experiment design and virtual reality to inspire the next generation of space scientists and engineers.” IAC 2022.


Assessment of Depth Data Acquisition Methods for Virtual Reality Mission Operations Support Tools

Forsey-Smerek, A., Paige, C., Ward, F., Haddad, D. D., Sanneman, L., Todd, J., ... & Newman, D. (2022, March). Assessment of Depth Data Acquisition Methods for Virtual Reality Mission Operations Support Tools. In 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO) (pp. 1-14). IEEE.


Tapis Magique: Machine-knitted Electronic Textile Carpet for Interactive Choreomusical Performance and Immersive Environments

Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D.D., & Paradiso, J.A. (2022). Tapis Magique: Machine-knitted Electronic Textile Carpet for Interactive Choreomusical Performance and Immersive Environments. ACM Creativity and Cognition.


Towards the development of 3D lunar surface depth-data collection for geology in virtual reality

Paige, C., Ward, F., Haddad, D. D., Forsey-Smerek, A., Sanneman, L., Todd, J., ... & Newman, D. (2021, December). Towards the development of 3D lunar surface depth-data collection for geology in virtual reality. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. P41C-01).


Experimental design of a virtual reality platform for lunar rover missions to reduce decision-making time and improve situational awareness

Paige, C. A., Forsey-Smerek, A., Haddad, D. D., Ward, F., Piercy, T., Heldmann, J., ... & Newman, D. (2021). A virtual reality platform for lunar rover missions to reduce decision-making time and improve situational awareness. In ASCEND 2021 (p. 4203).


Lunar instrument data integration into the Virtual Reality Mission Simulation System for Decision Communication and Situational Awareness

Paige, C., Haddad, D. D., Ward, F., Piercy, T., Heldmann, J., Lim, D., ... & Newman, D. (2021, July). Lunar instrument data integration into the Virtual Reality Mission Simulation System for Decision Communication and Situational Awareness. 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems.


Patch-corde: an Expressive Patch Cable for the Modular Synthesizer.

Wilbert, J., Haddad, D. D., Ishii, H., & Paradiso, J. A. Patch-corde: an expressive patch cable for the modular synthesizer.


Baguamarsh: An Immersive Narrative Visualization for Conveying Subjective Experiences

Jiang, F., Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. (2020). Baguamarsh: an immersive narrative visualization for conveying subjective experience. In Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience: Thematic Area, HCI 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 22 (pp. 596-613). Springer International Publishing.


The World Wide Web in an Analog Patchbay

Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. A. (2019). The World Wide Web in an Analog Patchbay. In NIME (pp. 407-410).


Grain Prism: Hieroglyphic Interface for Granular Sampling

Advincula, Gabriela Bila, Don Derek Haddad, and Kent Larson. "Grain Prism: Hieroglyphic Interface for Granular Sampling."


SensorKnit: Architecting Textile Sensors with Machine Knitting


Kinesynth: Patching, Modulating, and Mixing a Hybrid Kinesthetic Synthesizer.

Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. A. (2018). Kinesynth: Patching, Modulating, and Mixing a Hybrid Kinesthetic Synthesizer. In NIME (pp. 35-36).


The Networked Sensory Landscape: Capturing and Experiencing Ecological Change Across Scales

Mayton, Brian, et al. "The networked sensory landscape: Capturing and experiencing ecological change across scales." PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 26.2 (2017): 182-209.


Resynthesizing Reality: Driving Vivid Virtual Environments from Sensor Networks

Don Derek Haddad, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Spencer Russell, Xiao Xiao, Ken Perlin, Joseph A. Paradiso


A Ubiquitous Sensing Model for Environmental Science, Interaction Research, and Public Engagement with Restored Wetlands.

"A Ubiquitous Sensing Model for Environmental Science, Interaction Research, and Public Engagement with Restored Wetlands", Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Don Derek Haddad, Clement Duhart*, Spencer Russell, Glorianna Davenport, Joseph A. Paradiso. Society of Wetland Scientists San Juan, Puerto Rico June 5-8, 2017


Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructible Musical Interfaces

Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructible Musical Interfaces. Don Derek Haddad, Xiao Xiao, Tod Machover, Joe Paradiso, to appear in NIME17.


Kinéphone: Exploring the Musical Potential of an Actuated Pin-Based Shape Display

Xiao, X., Haddad, D. D., Sanchez, T., van Troyer, A., Kleinberger, R., Webb, P., ... & Ishii, H. (2016). Kinéphone: Exploring the Musical Potential of an Actuated Pin-Based Shape Display. In NIME (pp. 259-264).


SoundFORMS: Manipulating Sound Through Touch

SoundFORMS: Manipulating Sound Through Touch A. Colter, D. D. Haddad, P. Davivongsa, H. Moore, B. Tice, H. Ishii. Best paper, Honorable Mention CHI16.


MMODM: massively multiplayer online drum machine

MMODM: massively multiplayer online drum machine, B. Tome, D.D. Haddad, T. Machover, J. A. Paradiso. NIME 2015.