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Extending expression, learning, and health through innovations in musical composition, performance, and participation

Opera of the Future


Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness

Fleming, Renée, et al. "Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness." Viking (Penguin Random House LLC). April 9, 2024. ISBN 9780593653197


Creative Text-to-Audio Generation via Synthesizer Programming

Singh*, N., Cherep*, M., & Shand, J. (2023, December). Creative Text-to-Audio Generation via Synthesizer Programming. In NeurIPS Machine Learning for Audio Workshop


SynthAX: A Fast Modular Synthesizer in JAX

Cherep*, M., & Singh*, N. (2023, May). SynthAX: A Fast Modular Synthesizer in JAX. In Audio Engineering Society Convention 155. Audio Engineering Society.


Pharmamusicology: Exploring the Impact of Music on the Physiology and Psychology of Anxiety Disorders and Well-Being

Lecamwasam, K.H.M. (2023). Pharmamusicology: Exploring the Impact of Music on the Physiology and Psychology of Anxiety Disorders and Well-Being. Master's Thesis, MIT Media Lab.


Investigating the Physiological and Psychological Effect of an Interactive Musical Interface for Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Lecamwasam, K., Gutierrez Arango, S., Singh, N., Elhaouij, N., Addae, M., & Picard, R. (2023, April). Investigating the Physiological and Psychological Effect of an Interactive Musical Interface for Stress and Anxiety Reduction. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-9).


Where to Hide a Stolen Elephant: Leaps in Creative Writing with Multimodal Machine Intelligence

Singh, N., Bernal, G., Savchenko, D., & Glassman, E. L. (2022). Where to Hide a Stolen Elephant: Leaps in Creative Writing with Multimodal Machine Intelligence. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.


Image2Reverb: Cross-Modal Reverb Impulse Response Synthesis

Image2Reverb: Cross-Modal Reverb Impulse Response Synthesis. Nikhil Singh, Jeff Mentch, Jerry Ng, Matthew Beveridge, Iddo Drori; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 286-295


The Sound Sketchpad: Expressively Combining Large and Diverse Audio Collections

Nikhil Singh. 2021. The Sound Sketchpad: Expressively Combining Large and Diverse Audio Collections. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21), April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA.


Interspecies Interactions Mediated by Technology: An Avian Case Study at the Zoo

Kleinberger, Rébecca, et al. "Interspecies Interactions Mediated by Technology: An Avian Case Study at the Zoo." ACM CHI 2020 Conference (April 2020).


Massively Multiplayer Operas: Interactive Systems for Collaborative Musical Narrative

Su, D. (2019). Massively Multiplayer Operas: Interactive Systems for Collaborative Musical Narrative. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Turning the DAW Inside Out

Holbrow, C. (2019). Turning the DAW Inside Out. Audio Engineering Society Conference: 146th Convention.


Tempic Integrator: A modern tool for composing with sliding polytempos as conceived by Henry Cowell in 1930

Holbrow, C. (2019). Tempic Integrator: A modern tool for composing with sliding polytempos as conceived by Henry Cowell in 1930. In Audio Engineering Society Student Design Competition. Dublin, Ireland.


AMAI: Adaptive Music for Affect Improvement

Su, D., Picard, R., Liu, Y. "AMAI: Adaptive Music for Affect Improvement." Proceedings of the 44th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, Korea, August 2018.


Kleinberger, R., and Panjwani, A. “Digitally Enchanted Wear: a Novel Approach in the Field of Dresses as Dynamic Digital Displays”

Proceedings of TEI, Stockholm, Sweden, 2018


Score Instruments: A New Paradigm of Musical Instruments to Guide Musical Wonderers

van Troyer, A. "Score Instruments: A New Paradigm of Musical Instruments to Guide Musical Wonderers"



Sanchez Lengeling, Thomas. "Panoptic"


Spaces That Perform Themselves

L'Huillier, N. "Spaces That Perform Themselves"


Hypercompression: Stochastic Musical Processing

Holbrow, C. "HYPERCOMPRESSION: Stochastic Musical Processing"


Powers Live: A Global Interactive Opera Simulcast

Torpey, P., Bloomberg, B.


Hyperproduction : an audio-centric framework for the abstract modeling of live performance to guide audience attention and perspective using

Bloomberg, B. "Hyperproduction : an audio-centric framework for the abstract modeling of live performance to guide audience attention and perspective using connected real-time systems"


The Body Parametric: Abstraction of Vocal and Physical Expression in Performance

Nattinger, E. J. "The Body Parametric: Abstraction of Vocal and Physical Expression in Performance"


Singing About Singing, Using the Voice as a Tool for Self-Reflection

Kleinberger, R. "Singing About Singing, Using the Voice as a Tool for Self-Reflection"


Composing Embodied Sonic Play Experiences: Towards Acoustic Feedback Ecology

van Troyer, A. NIME’14, June 30 – July 03, 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK


Vocal Vibrations: A Multisensory Experience of the Voice

Holbrow, C., Jessop, E., Kleinberger R. NIME’14, June 30 – July 03, 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK


Music, Mind, and Mouth: Exploring the Interaction Between Music and Flavor Perception

Wang, Q. "Music, Mind, and Mouth: Exploring the Interaction Between Music and Flavor Perception"


Media Scores: A Framework for Composing the Modern-Day Gesamtkunstwerk

Torpey, P. A. "Media Scores: A Framework for Composing the Modern-Day Gesamtkunstwerk"


Hyperaudience Designing Performance Systems for Audience Inclusion

Van Troyer, A. "Hyperaudience Designing Performance Systems for Audience Inclusion"


SoundStrand: a Tangible Interface for Composing Music with Limited Degrees of Freedom

Shahar, E. "SoundStrand: a Tangible Interface for Composing Music with Limited Degrees of Freedom"


Death and the Powers: A Robotic Opera

Machover, T.


Future Opera for Robots and People Too

Machover, T.


Music and Technology in Death and the Powers

Jessop, E., Torpey, P., Bloomberg, B. NIME’11, 30 May–1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway


Music, Mind and Health: How Community Change, Diagnosis, and Neuro-rehabilitation Can Be Achieved during Creative Tasks

Boulanger, A. "Music, Mind and Health: How Community Change, Diagnosis, and Neuro-rehabilitation Can Be Achieved during Creative Tasks"


Biologically Inspired Robots for Stage Performance

Dong, W. "Biologically Inspired Robots for Stage Performance"


A Gestural Media Framework: Tools for Expressive Gesture Recognition and Mapping in Rehearsal and Performance

Jessop, E. "A Gestural Media Framework: Tools for Expressive Gesture Recognition and Mapping in Rehearsal and Performance"


Nervebox: The First General Platform for Electromechanical Musical Instruments

Cavatorta, A. "Nervebox: The First General Platform for Electromechanical Musical Instruments"


Studying Violin Bowing

Young, D.


Disembodied Performance: Abstraction of Representation in Live Theater

Torpey, P. "Disembodied Performance: Abstraction of Representation in Live Theater"


The Vocal Augmentation and Manipulation Prosthesis (VAMP): A Conducting-Based Gestural Controller for Vocal Performance

Jessop, E.


AUDIO ORIENTEERING: Navigating an Invisible Terrain

Feehan, N.


Beyond Guitar Hero – Towards a New Musical Ecology

Machover, T.


Expressive Gesture Controller for an Individual with Quadriplegia

Boulanger, A.


Difficulties in Skill Acquisition and Pervasive Environments.

Boulanger, A.


MusicBox: Navigating the Space of Your Music

Lillie, A. "MusicBox: Navigating the Space of Your Music"


The Impact of Haptic Guidance on Musical Motor Learning

Grindlay, G. "The Impact of Haptic Guidance on Musical Motor Learning"


Encouraging the Expression of the Unspeakable: Influence and Agency in a Robotic Creature

Knouf, N. "Encouraging the Expression of the Unspeakable: Influence and Agency in a Robotic Creature"


The Chandelier: Toward a Digitally Conceived Physical Performance Object

Pliam, S. "The Chandelier: Toward a Digitally Conceived Physical Performance Object"


My Cello

Machover, T.


The Chandelier: An Exploration in Robotic Musical Instrument Design

Fabio, M. "The Chandelier: An Exploration in Robotic Musical Instrument Design"


A Methodology for Investigation of Bowed String Performance through Measurement of Violin Bowing Technique

Young, D. "A Methodology for Investigation of Bowed String Performance through Measurement of Violin Bowing Technique"


Hybrid Percussion: Extending Physical Instruments Using Sampled Acoustics

Aimi, R. "Hybrid Percussion: Extending Physical Instruments Using Sampled Acoustics"


Dreaming a New Music

Machover, T.


Autism, New Music Technologies and Cognition

Boulanger, A. "Autism, New Music Technologies and Cognition"


Dissimilarity Measures and Emotional Responses to Music.

Knouf, N .


Opera Electronica

Machover, T. et al


Composing for Hyperbow: A Collaboration Between MIT and the Royal Academy of Music.

Young, D., Nunn, P., Vassiliev, A.


Interconnected Musical Networks: Toward a Theoretical Famework

Weinberg, G.


A Quantitative, Parametric Model of Musical Tension

Farbood, M. "A Quantitative, Parametric Model of Musical Tension"