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Neha Narula has been selected for the Rockefeller Foundation's 2025 Bellagio Center Residency
This award recognizes previously published papers with a lasting impact on research and practice in computer security and privacy.
The collaboration will focus on privacy-preserving designs.
Representatives from the Media Lab participated in discussions on the Earth Data Revolution, Space Economy, Digital Currencies, and more.
From Bitcoin to NFTs, crypto is making headlines. But what exactly is it, and how does it work?
The MIT Digital Currency Initiative director serves as a crucial link between cryptocurrency developers and central banks around the world.
Some countries, including the US, are exploring a new type of money that can be spent only electronically.
Collaboration with Federal Reserve Bank of Boston yields progress in understanding how a digital currency might be developed in the future.
DCI director Neha Narula has been honored with the Alumni Trailblazers Award this year.
DCI has launched Cryptoeconomic Systems (CES), a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal and conference series focused on blockchain tech.
CNBC talks to Neha Narula and other experts about the growing interest in central bank digital currencies.
Prominent finance expert, a veteran of both public service and the private sector, to be nominee for top market-regulation post.
Proponents say payments with a digital dollar would be faster and easier. Opponents say it would be costly and inefficient.
Neha Narula joined experts discussing the privacy and security concerns around China's digital currency.
DCI head Neha Narula offers perspective on the draw of decentralization.
Neha Narula and Gary Gensler joined other experts to explore the potential impacts of digital currencies on national and global security.
Neha Narula and Gary Gensler participated in a simulated “digital currency war” at Harvard’s Belfer Center.
Blockchain technology is changing the nature of money and organizations. We should probably start pondering the potential consequences.
Financial Services Committee, United States House of Representatives, July 17, 2019Watch this testimony here.Good morning Chairwoman W…
Essays and testimonies on Facebook's proposed cryptocurrency
Kate Darling and Rhys Lindmark discuss the balances in regulating tech , how her research has evolved, and other topics.
Media Lab students, faculty, researchers and affiliates pitching panels at SXSW 2019
The DCI’s position between academia and industry, their policy on conflicts of interest, and their most fascinating research topics.
The 21st Geneva Report on the World Economy reviews the basics of blockchain technology, and its challenges, costs, and benefits.
Projects should take steps to ensure that responsible disclosure is the easiest, safest and most lucrative response.
My experience disclosing a critical Bitcoin Cash vulnerability
Many new digital technologies at various stages of development hold promise for manufacturers and the supply chain.
To understand why blockchain matters, look past the wild speculation at what is being built underneath.
Blockchain technology and the crypto ecosystem it has birthed must come fully within public policy frameworks to reach its full potential.
We need to bump up a level and revisit how to achieve our original public policy goals in a new paradigm
Blockchain technology has the real potential to transform the world of finance.
Robleh Ali, former crypto specialist for the Bank of England, on why initial coin offerings are dangerous and how to make them more useful.
Gary Gensler has joined the MIT Digital Currency Initiative
How can a cryptocurrency be worth anything in the first place? Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports.
Members of the Media Lab community to speak at SXSW 2018.
On Friday, MIT Technology Review published an article on the cryptocurrency IOTA. However, we at the Media Lab have issues with the story
A surefire way to be accused of over-hyping blockchain technology is to make some sweeping, breathless statement like, "It can solve climat…
There’s no "silver-bullet technical solution" to the challenges in decentralizing the web.
BLockchains have the potential to help communities achieve common goals in an automated fashion.
Video: How to turn viral into virtuous?
Neha Narula's TED Talk
Blockchain technology could help to revolutionize how artists get paid.
Toyota pushes into blockchain tech to enable the next generation of cars.
Some of the first enthusiastic responses to the design were that it removes the 10+ minute wait for transactions to be confirmed.
Like the internet, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are driven by advances in core technologies along with a new, open architecture.
Bitcoin Developers Gavin Andresen, Cory Fields, and Wladimir van der Laan in conversation with Media Lab Director Joi Ito.
Using blockchain technology to securitize transactions and usage rights within decentralized solar microgrids.